Weeknotes – S08E42 – Epic Roleplaying


Another week where being a freelancer has been great for the flexibility of moving things around at short notice!



New week, new editing project!

I carried on editing the first in the Regency romance trilogy, but also started editing a YA fantasy novel, a project outsourced to me by my own editor, Amie.

After lunch, in my online focus session with some of my writer friends, I wrote my GYWO discussion post for the month, worked on revising the synopsis of my third novel, Magic’s Legacy, wrote a blog for Stanley the bear, and expanded the notes I took on Project Hail Mary at our family book club, to add into the script for my next Reviews Revisited podcast episode.

I also submitted the revised query materials for Magic’s Legacy to a couple of agents.



I spent the morning alternating between editing the Regency romance and the YA fantasy novel, which was certainly a pleasant way to pass a ‘working’ day!

After lunch, it was Revision Club and I really didn’t want to work on my current novel, A Wizard Calls My Name – do I ever? But I knuckled down and went over the last scene I wrote, which had come out too short. I added some extra to bring it up to my desired word count.



A couple of editing clients contacted me about upcoming projects, so I planned out my schedule for the rest of the year (very usual for me to be able to plan ahead that far!) and worked out how much money was likely to be coming in and how much time I had still left to pitch for more work.

I also wrote a review of a book I finished the night before and another I DNF’d during the day.



Today, as a result of working on the recent RPG project, I got the opportunity to do a recorded roleplaying session with Jamie Anderson and the Anderson Entertainment podcast crew! I love my job!

I finished editing the first in the Regency romance trilogy and sent it back to the author.


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