Weeknotes – S08E40 – Back to Reality


Great situation to come back to after a long holiday – enough work booked in not to have to pitch for a while, but also enough flexibility to move things to later in the month, so as not to be too busy this week!



After nearly two weeks away, it was hard to get back into the swing of being at home.

I picked up some work while I was away, but the client was happy to wait for my return, so I reviewed five ghostwriter applications and paid samples for him this morning, and sent my feedback.



I still didn’t feel up to launching back into paid editing, so I rejigged my schedule to push everything back a bit, but also followed up with several repeat clients who said a while ago that they would have more work for me in October.

I wrote a review of an audiobook I DNF’d while on holiday.

I also helped Bear with his second post about our holiday.



I went to the freelance coworking day today, to try and get myself back in a proper routine and doing some work! None of the usual suspects were there for some reason, but my two stalwart writing group buddies turned up in the afternoon, which was lovely.

I completed a whole section of the RPG editing, which felt good.

I also went through the extensive feedback I’d received on the query package for my third novel, Magic’s Legacy, in advance of tomorrow’s follow-up call with the editor who provided it.

I had intended to get back to my current novel, A Wizard Calls My Name, but the stars did not align – must try harder!



The new edition of Writing Magazine turned up in the post and I sighed as I opened it, wondering if I should cancel my subscription, since I currently have three editions in a pile I haven’t read yet… But then I went through the submission opportunities in the back and added 14 to my list to enter something for – which suggests my subscription might still have some value!

I also tracked through all my outstanding submissions and planned a day out in town tomorrow to apply some focused effort to my own writing, outside of normal ‘work’ days. This included getting back to my current novel, as well as amending several short stories to fit new submission requirements and potentially entering a competition that would involve writing three new pieces of short fiction throughout October.



As expected, I wasn’t feeling particularly motivated for my writing session in town today – but I had to go out for my flu jab anyway, so I tacked heading into town onto the end of that outing, which got me out of the door, at least!

A couple of people in the writing group had expressed sadness at not being able to join me, and nobody had confirmed they were actually coming, so I was prepared for a solo afternoon, which would at least mean more focused writing time (maybe)!

I started by reviewing a huge book I finished the night before.

I then finally got back to working on Wizard, though I only managed half a scene – the first time I’ve broken off before reaching the end of a scene since starting this draft. However, today was an ‘extra’ writing day outside my usual routine – and I have four slots in my weekly schedule for working on the novel now,  rather than two – so that’s fine. And at least I broke through the barrier of having had so much time away from it!

I amended two of my old short stories to fit a couple of upcoming submission opportunities, and then started working through the lengthy list of submissions.

I also finished listening to Project Hail Mary for both family book club and the podcast and completed my podcast script.

Nobody else turned up and I didn’t stay as long as I had planned, but I at least got more done than I would if I’d stayed at home.



I helped Bear with his final post about our recent trip to Italy.

I also recorded and edited the next two Reviews Revisited episodes for the podcast.

Dave and I also recorded the next main podcast episode in the evening.


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