Weeknotes – S08E43 – Not All Go All The Time


A fairly light week in terms of time set aside for writing and writing-adjacent things – but two scenes of the novel done so that’s at least something!



I had a very slow start to the week and decided to rejig my paid editing work schedule so I didn’t have to do any this morning.

I almost cancelled the planned afternoon online focus session as well, but went ahead with it and ended up writing a whole new scene of my current novel, A Wizard Calls My Name.



Back to work today, editing the YA fantasy novel, which was my only ongoing client project.

After lunch, it was Revision Club, during which I forged on with Wizard and wrote a whole new scene, which felt really good. I also wrote a review of a book I finished earlier in the week.



I headed into town for the freelance co-working day today and buckled down to some paid editing work – more of the YA fantasy novel and also starting a new prison memoir project that came my way earlier in the week.

I also wrote my blog post for the month, about how my freelance business has changed since I started it in 2021.



I wrote a review of Waiting for Godot, which I saw in the theatre the night before.

Then we went off to Handycon to play board games for the whole weekend!


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