Weeknotes – S08E41 – Back in the Swing


Good start to the week with plenty of paid work done, and good end to the week with lots of social engagements!



First full week back at work after the long holiday.

Luckily, I had great client projects to work on!

I carried on editing the materials for the RPG, written by one of my friends.

And I also got started on editing the first of a Regency romance trilogy! I’d reviewed the first 10,000 words earlier in the year and absolutely loved it – and the client absolutely loved my edits, and asked me to look at the whole trilogy!

After lunch, only the fact that I’d put an online focus session in the calendar and I knew other people would be attending got me to do anything at all…

I did some more submissions and worked on the latest scene of my current novel, A Wizard Calls My Name.

I also got a new copy editing project out of the blue from my editor, who needed to outsource something, so that was nice!

In the evening, I attended my monthly business mastermind group – it was the first meeting with our new, fourth member, whom I had invited to join, and it seemed to go pretty well!



It still felt like a bit of a struggle to get on with the day – but I was so, so grateful to have work I enjoy and am good at, which made sitting down at my desk much easier than it would have been otherwise.

I could see the end of the RPG editing project approaching – I finished the penultimate file today, with only a much shorter one to tackle tomorrow. I also carried on editing the first Regency romance, which I was loving.

How is it that people pay me to read books???

After lunch, Revision Club kept me focused to get another Wizard scene written, which I definitely wouldn’t have done otherwise.



Today, I completed editing of the RPG materials and sent the last file back to my friend who had commissioned the project. After it was delayed for so long and involved so many early frustration, the work itself went very smoothly and enjoyably – and I delivered everything ten days early, so it was very satisfying!

I also got full up-front payment from my editor for the new copy editing project, which was also very nice!

I wrote the next scene of Wizard, based on some dialogue I came up with on the retreat back in July. It came in short, even with me stuffing full with as much emotion and descriptive detail as I could come up with. But I decided to let myself off my target word count this one time (perhaps the first of several, but I’m hoping some of the other scenes will end up longer to make up for it, or maybe I can pad it out further in revisions) so as to avoid too much over-writing.



Today, I went to a comedy writing workshop, which was challenging but also a lot of fun! I got to see several of the people from the retreat I went on in July, which was lovely.



I wrote reviews of three books.


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