Weeknotes – S06E12 – Back From Retreat

Summary: The second half of the retreat was just as good as the first half, though I was glad to get home and set all my plans for the coming week of combining paid editing with personal projects again.   Monday: I woke up way too early, with the subconscious crew clamouring for me to […]

Back on Retreat

I first attended a residential retreat in Devon with Urban Writers’ Retreat in January 2017. Since then, up until January 2020, I went on retreat with Charlie two or three times a year.   Then, of course, retreats weren’t possible for a couple of years – but now I’m back! This is day six of […]

Weeknotes – S06E11 – Off On Retreat!

Summary: Massive amounts achieved this week – hurrah for writing retreats! I made real progress on both novels, as well as working on a short story, and reading some useful books about outlining. Amazing what a country house in Devon can do for productivity!   Monday: I put together an ambitious list of things to […]

Weeknotes – S06E09 – Building Enthusiasm

Summary: I started to build my enthusiasm back up for working on my novels, but didn’t do much in the way of actual work. Paid editing was good, though, with lots of progress on chunky projects.   Monday: I went back and forth on the idea a bit, but eventually decided to spend the day […]

Attitude to Novels

I’ve had some interesting conversations with various people recently, about my attitude to my writing.   I now have what one might call a ‘standard process’ for approaching my novels – and it’s still astounding to me that I’m in a position where there are enough of them for that to be the case.   […]

Weeknotes – S06E07 – Low on Motivation

Summary: A bit hit and miss this week – I wasn’t feeling particularly motivated, so I shunted quite a bit of work into next week, but managed to focus on finishing my latest short story.   Tuesday: A couple of new, short assignments came through from previous clients overnight, so I did those first. Then […]

Weeknotes – S06E06 – Lots Going On

Summary: The focus was much more on paid work than personal projects this week, but I did get some of my own writing done as well.   Monday: I didn’t get much sleep the night before, and the case numbers were shooting up again, so I decided against going to the cafe today. I started […]