Freewriting for Reflection

One of my friends, a qualified coach and facilitator, has recently started offering a Prompt Prescription service where she provides freewriting prompts to help clients work through an issue they are facing.   I decided to try it out, with the issue I’ve been having lately with my writing. I emailed Claire to explain the […]

Weeknotes – S04E17 – Reflection and Revising

Summary: Lots of reflection on my relationship with writing this week, which brought some clarity but also more questions. More work to be done there, I think! In the meantime, though, I made quite a lot of progress this week, despite lack of motivation, and was very pleased with what I achieved.   Monday: I […]

Weeknotes – S04E16 – Little and Often

Summary: I went with little and often this week, working on something to do with writing every day, and ended up feeling good about my progress, despite not actually having done all that much in absolute terms.   Monday: I helped Bear put together a photo story submission for a new online publication.   Tuesday: […]

Weeknotes – S04E15 – Everything Got Harder

Summary: Working on creative projects felt very hard this week. I tried to balance productivity with self-compassion and didn’t push myself very hard at all. I didn’t get very much done and struggled with feeling dissatisfied with my lack of achievement. But, I still kept to my exercise routine, completed the most important writing tasks, […]

Weeknotes – SO4E14 – All Engines Go!

Summary: A very good week for writing this week. Progress on all fronts, a good plan for upcoming submissions and some fun challenges over the weekend. Very happy.   Tuesday: I wrote a review of a book I finished over the weekend. Before I went to bed, I set my subconscious crew the task of coming […]

Lockdown Lethargy – or not!

I feel like I haven’t really done much writing so far this year. We’re coming to the end of the first quarter, and my sense on thinking back is that I haven’t achieved anything at all. But, actually checking back through my records, that really isn’t true.   So far in 2020, I have: Written […]

Weeknotes – S04E12 – Holiday Reviewing

Summary: Lots of reviews again, but I also finally got a short story rewrite done, which has been on my list for weeks.   Monday: I did a Scribophile critique.   Wednesday: I wrote lots more reviews of all the games I played earlier in the week.   Thursday: I finished another book and played […]

Weeknotes – S04E11 – Reviews A-go-go!

Summary: Mostly reviews this week, with a bit of new writing courtesy of an excellent workshop.   Monday: I reviewed a film I went to see over the weekend, and also a book I finished after work.   Tuesday: Big plans for today! I signed up for a freewriting workshop in Hammersmith early afternoon, and […]

Weeknotes – S04E10 – Back To Proper Sessions

Summary: I feel like I got some good stuff done this week, and am happy that I scheduled some proper writing sessions.   Tuesday: I edited the first chapter of a friend’s novel.   Wednesday: I reviewed a Vaults show I went to see the night before. I finished two books and wrote reviews of […]