Self-Publishing Woes

While this blog post is quite negative, I very strongly acknowledge that I am in an extremely lucky position in a lot of ways, including regarding my writing. Also, a large number of people have gone out of their way to help and support me on my writing journey (including this latest stage), and I’m […]

Weeknotes – S08E34 – Self-Publishing Stress

Summary: Very little paid editing work but that’s okay, lots of freeglancing but that’s okay too. Progress on my latest novel and self-publishing my first – tough but worth it?   Monday: Two of my writer friends sent me drafts of their latest books to review over the weekend, so I slotted them into the […]

Accepting What Is

Do you ever find yourself pushing against the situation you’re in, wishing it could be different but unable, for whatever reason, to change it for the better? If so, based on my interactions with humans, you’re definitely not alone! But there is a seemingly paradoxical way to make things easier – accepting what is. It […]

Weeknotes – S08E32 – Novel Going Well

Summary: Lots of good progress on my latest novel, which is great. Plus, teetering on the brink of a big paid editing project – just waiting for the client to press go!   Monday: It felt a bit more like I was back in the usual swing of things today – though a couple of […]

Weeknotes – S08E31 – Back to Reality

Summary: Back to reality after being on retreat – always a difficult transition. But softened by having interesting paid work to do and being enthusiastic about embarking on the first draft of my new novel.   Monday: It was back to reality today, after a glorious week away on retreat. I had plenty of paid […]

New Approach to Novel Writing

I’ve been writing novels for over ten years now, which is pretty wild to think about!   I’m calling my latest one number seven – though four has only reached novella length and six was non-fiction. Still, that’s quite a few, so you’d think I’d know what I was doing by now…   But no! […]

Weeknotes – S08E30 – Second retreat!

Summary: My second retreat was also great – and I finished outlining my new novel! I also lined up some great new paid editing projects to start on my return to real life, which was great.   Monday: Today was a travelling day – taxi from Tall Trees to Castle Cary, train back to Paddington, […]