Weeknotes – S06E25 – All Work and No Writing

Summary: Plenty of paid work done, not so much on the personal writing projects front…   Tuesday: Lots of paid editing work to complete this week, so I put together my task list and knuckled down at 8am. I finished editing the numerology book first and sent it back to the publisher for review and […]

Weeknotes – S06E24 – Back to Work

Summary: My focus was more on paid editing this week, after last week’s retreat, so I didn’t get much done on personal writing projects. But things are still ticking over!   Tuesday: I spent quite a bit of the morning doing a text-chat interview with a prospective client, which was quite complex and I wasn’t […]

Weeknotes – S06E23 – A Very Successful Retreat

Summary: Great second half to my retreat, followed by a relaxing weekend off.   Monday: I had a late start today, but that’s okay – I was kind of on holiday after all! And sleeping is so important, Baldrick. Once I got settled, I put together the formatting framework for Meditations, then drafted the Introduction […]

Weeknotes – S06E22 – Back to Stickwick!

Summary: An excellent work week followed by the first few days of a wonderful writing retreat. Really great progress on exciting new projects.   Monday: Back to the cafe today for a full day of writing and editing. On my new schedule, starting after I get back from retreat, Mondays in the cafe will be […]

Weeknotes – S06E21 – Breaking New Ground

Summary: Excellent week, all round. Good progress on client projects, plus interesting revelations about how to work best on my own projects. And breaking ground on brainstorming for novel number five!   Monday: Hopefully, back to ‘proper’ scheduling this week. I was at my favourite cafe table and ready to work shortly after 8:30am, at […]

Weeknotes – S06E20 – Benefits of Flexibility

Summary: After my recent weeks of major productivity, things went slightly awry this week – but only because the entire point of my new freelance existence is so I can be flexible about my work and writing time, so it’s all good.   Monday: I went to the cafe and did a fair amount of […]

Sustaining Productivity

I had a topic all prepared, talking about how amazingly productive I’ve been in recent weeks, and how I’m hopeful it will be sustainable long-term, because I have a good attitude towards flexibility, taking breaks, and doing things that are good for both my mental and physical health.   And all of that is still […]

Weeknotes – S06E19 – Finding My Groove

Summary: Another very productive week – I seem to have found my groove, at least temporarily! And I gained a lovely new paid editing client, who left me a glowing testimonial and promised me more work, which was nice.   Monday: Got to the cafe at 8:15am today! I was all ready to get started […]

Weeknotes – S06E18 – Maximally Productive

Summary: Another very productive week. I had an extra ‘day off’ but ended up working on non-paid, non-novel projects on that day, so it ended up being really useful!   Monday: I had a lot of contact from potential new paid editing clients, and did a sample edit for one of them. Later, I helped […]

Weeknotes – S06E17 – Creative Overdrive

Summary: I seem to be in creative overdrive at the moment, in terms of ideas and productivity. I just wish I had the time and energy to keep up! I’m really enthused about both my paid editing and my own writing – long may it continue!   Monday: I had a last-minute opportunity to meet […]