The Hermeneutics of Generosity

A while ago, Annie and I were introduced to an interesting and helpful concept – the Hermeneutics of Generosity. It was in a YouTube video by author, John Green, quoting Dr Paul Farmer, the co-founder of Partners in Health. It’s a great way of circumventing those occasions when you might otherwise get annoyed by people […]

Positive Choice

From my observations of human behaviour, I’ve noticed a lot of people struggle with resentment in their lives. Is this something that resonates with you? Do you spend a lot of time getting irritated by things you feel obligated to spend your time on? Well, perhaps there’s a way you can let go of that… […]

Productivity Through Letting Go

The brain is a weird – and sometimes quite annoying – thing… Lately, I’ve been struggling with motivation in terms of getting on with my personal creative projects. I haven’t done any knitting in months, I haven’t written a new short story since April, I’m only keeping up with podcast prep and Stanley’s online content […]

Weeknotes – S07E40 – Paid Work is Easier

Summary: Not much progress on my own project this week, but still lots of great paid work going on, and more projects in the pipeline. It’s unsurprising that it’s much easier to motivate myself to to my paid work than my own stuff…   Monday: I did a sample edit for a prospective new client […]

Challenging Assumptions

Do you ever find yourself thinking or feeling something that, if you actually take stock and challenge, turns out not to be true at all?   And yet your brain or your emotions present it as an instant reaction they subsequently try to convince you must be real?   Usually, I find this is because […]

Weeknotes – S07E38 – Novel-tastic!

Summary: I feel really good about what I achieved this week, both on the paid front and the personal projects front (after a slot start to the week on my own writing) – lots of exciting stuff going on!   Monday: I had big plans to get through a big list of stuff today – […]