Weeknotes – S08E26 – Enjoying Going Back to Work!


Back to work but in a gentle, enjoyable way. Also progress on lots of podcast projects, but now I’m going to take a bit of a break from that for a while.



After my glorious week off (in which I was admittedly ill and also actually did a ton of non-paid-work stuff), it was back to the proper routine today! So, I was at my desk by 9am and back to working on copy editing Carla’s novel, which was a lovely way to ease back in to work mode.

I also worked on my CIEP Plain English course, made a newsletter subscriber resource about reasons for rejection, went through my marketing activity list and made a plan, wrote a review of a book I finished, continued my solo RPG (The Last Tea Shop), read and made notes about more of Outdrawn by Deanna Grey for my solo podcast episode about looking for five-star reads, and started listening to Mockingjay for a Reviews Revisited episode and set up the podcast script for that.

So, it was pretty full-on for my first day back!



I spent the morning alternating between editing Carla’s novel, writing a blog post and carrying on with the CIEP course.

After lunch, it was Revision Club, which is always a joy.

During the focus session section, I put together an Instagram/Twitter/Bluesky giveaway for Stanley the bear, and later carried on reading Mockingjay and Outdrawn for the podcast and making notes.



I had a lovely reading day again today. I finished Outdrawn and completed my notes for the five-star-book-search podcast episode, and started reading To Kill A Mockingbird for the main podcast and took notes. I also listened to a lot more of Mockingjay and made more notes for Reviews Revisited.



I went to the co-working day at the Hart Shoreditch, which is still proving both productive and very enjoyable.

I worked on the copy edits for Carla’s novel and proofread a short story of mine that’s coming out in an anthology soon.

I also resurrected an ancient memoir-type project I came up with years ago, to record anecdotes from my first quarter-century, to provide a record of the most important things I could remember up to the time I started writing a regular journal.



I finished listening to Mockingjay and added to my podcast script.

I also read more of To Kill A Mockingbird for a different podcast episode.

Later, Dave and I recorded the next main podcast episode.



I recorded two Reviews Resurrected episodes for the podcast, and also finished reading and making notes on To Kill A Mockingbird.

That brought me completely up to date with all my podcast reading, and there are no book clubs I’m attending in July – so I’m taking some time off from reading stuff I have to take notes on!

I also wrote a review of a comic book series I finished the night before.


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