Summary: Working on Christmas Day? Ridiculous! Ah well… Otherwise, lots of planning and goal-setting, which is traditional at this time of year. Wednesday: A client contacted me with a query about a book I’d edited for her earlier in the year and it seemed time sensitive, so I did a couple of hours of […]
Tag: Weeknotes
Weeknotes – S08E51 – I’m Checking My List…
Summary: Lots of clearing things off lists this week, reflecting on the past year and looking forward to new opportunities, new writing, new books for 2025! Monday: I woke up with ideas in my head about the last third of my current novel, A Wizard Calls My Name, so I added some more notes […]
Weeknotes – S08E50 – Glorious Reading Retreat
Summary: This was mostly a reading retreat week – glorious! But I did manage to fit some writing/editing/creative stuff around the edges. Monday: It was a busy day today! I worked on editing my current big paid client project in the morning – a YA fantasy novel – and also had a coaching call […]
Weeknotes – S08E49 – The End is Nigh
Summary: Lots of podcasting this week, which is always fun. Plus a decent amount of paid work to tide me over into the new year. Monday: With excellent timing, my next paid editing project dropped into my inbox last night, so I spent a very pleasant morning copy editing a lovely queer romance novella. […]
Weeknotes – S08E48 – IRL Meetups are the Best!
Summary: Great to hang out with writer friends in real life this week – a real boost! And lots of good paid work done, too. Monday: I had no paid editing work to do this morning, though I did have to write a very long explanation to a client as to why what he […]
Weeknotes – S08E47 – All Progress is Good Progress
Summary: A good week for both paid editing projects and personal creative projects – lots of progress on all fronts! Monday: I focused on editing the prison memoir today because I started with it and then got interested in what was going to happen next. So, I had to rejig my schedule a bit, […]
Weeknotes – S08E46 – It’s Okay to Take a Break
Summary: A bit lacking in motivation this week, but still some good stuff done. And it’s okay to rest and relax and not be doing all of the things all of the time! Monday: I travelled back from mid-Wales, where I had spent three glorious days on a reading retreat. Tuesday: I woke […]
Weeknotes – S08E45 – Podcast-tastic
Monday: It was a very full day today. I worked on my current paid editing projects – a YA historical novel and a Regency romance. I also had a productive coaching session with Sean from A Write and A Pint. I resisted the temptation to cancel my afternoon online focus session and completed the next […]
Weeknotes – S08E44 – Sometimes a Break is Productive
Summary: I gave myself permission not to write my novel this week, but my brain decided to work on it anyway! Monday: After a weekend away, I had a full morning of paid editing work today. I started copy editing a new kids’ book about baseball for a repeat client, and I also edited […]
Weeknotes – S08E43 – Not All Go All The Time
Summary: A fairly light week in terms of time set aside for writing and writing-adjacent things – but two scenes of the novel done so that’s at least something! Monday: I had a very slow start to the week and decided to rejig my paid editing work schedule so I didn’t have to do […]