Weeknotes S08E27 – Permission

Summary: Bit of a switch-around on the paid editing schedule but it all worked out – on the project front, mostly gave myself permission not to be productive, but still got some stuff done.   Monday: I split my morning between editing Carla’s novel and reviewing the first 10k words of a historical romance for […]

Weeknotes – S08E25 – Covid Strikes Again!

Summary: An impromptu week off work due to Covid led to a lovely, restful time, mostly reading and playing games.   Monday: Every plan I had for this week was disrupted this morning by the discovery that I have Covid… So I cancelled all my outings and settled down to get some work done – […]

Weeknotes – S08E24 – Revitalised Project

Summary: I put several very old creative projects back on my list this week, finished my biggest paid editing project to date, and felt pleasingly motivated about all my current writing/editing.   Monday: In the morning, I chugged along a bit more with editing the RPG game text I’ve been working on for many weeks […]

Weeknotes – S08E23 – Weird Without Novel

Summary: It feels weird not to be working on a novel at the moment, but I did make progress in other areas, both paid and unpaid.   Monday: I split the morning between paid editing projects – the cybersecurity book and the RPG text. In the afternoon, I had grand plans to continue with the […]

Weeknotes – S08E22 – Bits and Pieces

Summary: This week was rather bitty and I don’t feel like I made a lot of progress, but there was at least some and that’s okay.   Tuesday: I spent the morning re-establishing my usual routine by working on paid editing projects – the second half of the volunteering book, the second half of the […]

Weeknotes – S08E21 – Novel Revisions Complete!

Summary: Excellent progress on both client and personal projects – plus found some new freelancing friends to co-work with.   Monday: I read the latest family book club pick in two days and wrote a not very comprehensive review. I also accidentally posted the latest Reviews Revisited episode of the podcast five days early…   […]

Weeknotes – S08E20 – Front Loading

Summary: Early progress on client work and my own projects, then going away for the weekend.   Monday: I split my morning between editing both my current client projects – the spy novel and the RPG text. Then I worked on revisions to my fifth novel, A Darkness Divided, for a bit.   Tuesday: I […]

Weeknotes – S08E19 – Progress Where It Matters

Summary: I did lots of good client editing work and made considerable progress revising my novel – happy with that!   Monday: I wrote a review of Winter in Madrid, which I finished over the weekend, and also an audiobook (The Liar’s Knot) that I decided to DNF. I also listened to a fair amount […]

Weeknotes – S08E17 – Three Months Ahead

Summary: I’m in the unprecedented situation of having paid editing work booked in till the end of July (I’m usually only working on a fortnightly cycle of panic), which is nice! Still making progress on the novel and trying not to let podcast stuff take over everything else.   Monday: It was back to editing […]