Weeknotes – S06E01 – Off To A Good Start

Summary: I didn’t actually do very much paid work this week, which was a great start to my plan to work less this year! But I did work on both novels and create an excellent plan for completing them earlier and also doing more reading.   Monday: I played one new game over the course […]

Weeknotes – S05E52 – Merry Christmas!

Summary: I didn’t manage to complete all my current paid editing projects before Christmas, but only because they were delayed by the clients. Otherwise, I had a very productive week with writing and editing, and also managed to take some time off and relax a bit!   Monday: I started my last writing/editing week of […]

Making Friends

Recently, I had a meditation class, where the teacher talked about the importance of self-compassion, as part of a series on Cultivating Inner Friendship. During the discussion, I mentioned how difficult I found it to walk the path between self-care and productivity. I said that I understood the importance of accepting the situation with kindness, […]

Weeknotes – S05E50 – A Bit Too Much On

Summary: Lots of paid editing going on, but not as much work on the novels as I’d hoped. I’m definitely learning that it’s not all that feasible to work on two novels at once, while also juggling a busy work schedule!   Monday: I wasn’t sure about going to the cafe today, as it was […]

Weeknotes – S05E49 – The End is Nigh!

Summary: The episode numbers of this season of Weeknotes are getting scarily close to the end… Though, it looks like I’ll have 53 episodes, rather than 52, presumably because I started a bit early at the beginning.   Monday: I have an awful lot of paid editing work between now and Christmas, which is great […]

Weeknotes – S05E48 – Getting Busy

Summary: It’s getting pretty busy on the paid editing front, towards the end of the year, which is great, as I’m taking the last week of December off and had feared there wouldn’t be enough work to tide me over. I also had a good week on the novels, though pressure of paid work meant […]

Weeknotes – S05E47 – Prioritising the novels

Summary: Lots of time to spend on my own writing/creative projects this week – I made good progress on both novels and completely caught up on podcast obligations. Lots of paid editing work got added to the schedule towards the end of the week.   Monday: I finished writing my notes for the next podcast […]