I kept my promise to myself to work on novel number five at least a little bit on each ‘work’ day this week – I only transferred a few notes from my notebook to an electronic version but it was more than I did last week, or the many weeks before!
I made a plan to go to the cafe and prepared everything the night before. I woke up in good time, though I didn’t really feel like going, but I stuck to the plan and had a really productive session.
I aimed to do more on both remaining client projects than was strictly necessary to keep to current deadlines – I did twice my scheduled editing on both the predators book and the historical thriller, which means I have more flexibility in my remaining time before I go away again – yay!
I also wrote a review of a book I decided not to finish the night before – The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters – not remotely a bad book, just really scary!
I did an reflective emotion exercise over the weekend, and my ‘motivation’, in the form of Detail-Oriented Debbie, told me to commit to doing at least *something* on novel number five on all of my schedule ‘work’ days. So, in keeping with my promise to her, I did the smallest amount possible, in terms of adding more notes to World Anvil on Darkness – but at least it was something!
I knuckled down and finished editing the rest of the elite predators book, sent it back to the client – and he immediately sent me the next section! Ah well, I’m still ahead of schedule so it should be easy enough to fit it in before I go away still.
I also did another very small amount of collating notes on World Anvil for Darkness – all progress is good progress and I kept my promise to Debbie!
I edited the next section of the elite predators book, and also the next section of the historical thriller.
I also did a submission and collated a few more notes on Darkness.