Weeknotes – S02E32 – Exciting Times!

Summary: Lots of exciting stuff going on and deadlines to meet, but also plenty to time to work on projects.   Monday: I went to a fun No Grammar Required session and did lots of interesting freewriting. I also got an email from an independent publisher with lots of very positive feedback on Artisan, asking […]

There’s Something in the Air in Sheepwash!

I haven’t really written much of anything since the Winchester Festival in mid-June. I mean, I’ve been adding days to my habit pledge tracking spreadsheet, because I have been working on writing-related stuff, or making notes for projects, or mostly posting reviews. But I haven’t felt as if I’ve really written anything new, other than one […]

Weeknotes – S02E30 – Slowly Ramping Up

Summary: Still mostly reviews and very little fiction writing, but some good planning progress ready for going on retreat next week.   Monday: I reviewed a book I gave up reading yesterday.   Tuesday: I got the best kind of rejection from a publisher today: “Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider this […]

Weeknotes – S02E29 – Good Things Are Coming!

Summary: Technically, lots of writing days, according to my tracker, but no actual creative writing in the true sense. However, I’ve got a retreat coming up, and a regular writing gig starting soon, so I’m feeling very good about my writing future.   Monday: I went to No Grammar Required after work and really enjoyed chatting […]

S02E28 – Writing every day? Surely not!

Summary: Little and often seems to be the trend for this week. I think I generally prefer having a couple of long sessions during the week and not worrying about it the rest of the time, but it’s good to know I can keep my momentum going, even when I don’t have a whole free […]

Rediscovering Freewriting

Due to the many demands on my time, my approach to my writing is generally pretty regimented. I schedule writing sessions throughout the week and have a prioritised list of all the writing tasks I want to complete during each one. I have a spreadsheet of all my past, present and planned publication submissions and […]

Weeknotes – S02E26 – Finding My Groove Again

Summary: Getting back into the swing of things slowly, and very much enjoying not having any Artisan editing to do…   Monday: Planned as my first full writing day post-Winchester, so I had a long list of things to work on. I met Ann and Baby R at the Turk’s Head in Wapping, and started […]

Weeknotes – S02E25 – Taking the Week Off?

Summary: Stripped back and streamlined. I mostly had a break from writing this week, but still managed a few bits and pieces along the way.   Monday: I wrote a blog post about my experience at Winchester Writers’ Festival.   Tuesday: I wrote a review of Ocean’s Eight.   Wednesday: I wrote a review of […]