
“Is it dead?” “I can’t tell from here.  Why don’t you go and give it a poke?” “Eww!  No, you do it!” “You’re the one who wants to know if it’s dead.” “I wonder how it got here.” “I don’t know.  Flew?” “Don’t be ridiculous.” “It looks kind of sad, just lying there like that.” […]

The Importance of Brain Space

As someone who has to fit writing around working four days a week, a busy social life, and lots of trips away, I tend to feel as if I’m shirking if I don’t make use of every minute that’s available to me.   Last month, I went on a glorious, six-day writing retreat, where I […]

Weeknotes – S02E13 – Annoying Admin

Summary: The admin has to be done, or there will be no publications, no matter how much I write. But it’s really, really annoying. Wednesday: I got very little sleep on Monday night, so wasn’t feeling particularly enthused by this afternoon, but a booked writing date with Hannah kept me out after work and focused […]

Weeknotes – S02E11 – Snowed In!

Summary: Snowed in at a writing retreat – every writer’s dream? I’ve certainly enjoyed it!   Wednesday:   I went to Vauxhall after work to meet Hannah and got on with some more Artisan revisions (this will be a common theme in Weeknotes for the next few months…), working on finishing off the requirements of […]

Weeknotes – S02E10

Summary: Really got into the novel revision this week, and actually enjoyed it, which was a very pleasant surprise! Monday: I set out early for my writing date with Ann at Good & Proper. I hadn’t done much actual writing for the last two or three weeks, so was hoping a whole day in my […]

Tips for Approaching Revision

The post I wrote for GYWO this month was all about how to approach the dreaded revision: I hate revision. With my short stories and fanfiction, I always have good intentions of scheduling additional time to let them sit for a while and then go back to them to revise. But most often, I dash […]

Weeknotes – S02E09

Summary: Still getting back into the swing of things after the holiday, but deadlines are looming… Tuesday: I booked my tickets for Winchester Writers’ Festival, including all my workshops and my one-to-one appointments with four different literary agents. This gives me until 24 May to get the opening of Artisan ready for submission, and ideally […]