Summary: Basically just reviews and podcasting this week. Monday: I finished a book and wrote my review. I also did some more submissions. Sunday: I wrote all the reviews from the reading retreat I went on earlier in the week and reviewed a film I watched earlier in the day.. I also started […]
Author: Annie
Weeknotes – S04E08 – More Daily Progress
Summary: I worked on writing projects every day this week again, but I’m calling a halt now and going back to my regular-ish scheduled sessions. Not a bad week overall, though. Monday: I wrote my GYWO discussion post for the month. Tuesday: I did some more submissions. Wednesday: I wrote a review […]
Writing Every Day
One of the most frequent pieces of advice out there for writers is that you should write every day. Some sources even go so far as to say that you’re not a writer *unless* you write every day. And I say that’s rubbish. I’m currently partway through a challenge I set myself to write […]
Weeknotes – S04E07 – Still Writing Every Day
Summary: Every day was a writing day again this week. I’m trying to write every day in February and it’s going pretty well so far! It’s not something I generally like to do as it quickly feels like writing is a chore, but every now and then I like to push myself. Monday: Today, […]
Weeknotes – S04E06 – Sometimes Every Day Works
Summary: I wrote (more or less) every day this week, and am feeling more positive about getting back into both longer and shorter projects again. Monday: Final retreat day at Stickwick. I had to leave my room first thing, but the taxi wasn’t coming until 3pm, so plenty of time to get some stuff […]
Fringe Guru Reviews at the Vaults 2020
My Fringe Guru reviews for The Vaults 2019 can be found here, along with those from the other reviewers who attended shows there too.
Weeknotes – S04E05 – Finding My Way Back to Motivation
Summary: Fluctuating motivation this week. Some good intentions sent awry, but also a fair amount achieved, and a light at the end of the tunnel, leading the way back to some of my more challenging projects. Monday: I wrote several reviews. Tuesday: I edited two podcast episodes and made plans for my upcoming […]
Weeknotes – S04E04 – Just About Still Working
Summary: I’m still keeping up with the Artisan proofing, which is the most important thing, but everything else is pretty much falling by the wayside at the moment. Except the podcast, which is still really fun. I’m on writing retreat at the end of next week, so I suspect my output will increase a bit […]
My short story, Homecoming, is included in the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride anthology from Black Hare Press. You can buy a copy here.