Weeknotes – S04E43 – Sticking to the Plan!

Summary: I kept myself to my new writing plan and made good progress on all fronts, working on three different novels throughout the week.   Monday: I stated my goals on the Urban Writers’ Retreat online session page, then cracked on with editing the last two chapters of Artisan. And I finished! And sent the […]

Weeknotes – S04E42 – All The Editing

Summary: Lots of editing, both of my novel and someone else’s.   Monday: I started off by editing three more chapters of Artisan, then did a bit more editing on my friend’s novel.   Tuesday: I did a bit more editing on my friend’s novel.   Thursday: Back to the regular focusing session with Claire […]

Weeknotes – S04E40 – Mostly Reviews

Summary:   Not much on the writing project front this week, and unlikely to be much progress next week either – but then the big push to the end of the year will begin!   Monday:   I wrote a review of the film we watched the night before.   Tuesday:   I edited another […]

Weeknotes – S04E38 – Enjoying Editing!

Summary: Going great guns on the final novel edits and really enjoying it, which is a very pleasant surprise. Everything else has pretty much fallen off the to-do list, but that’s okay, because the novel is the most important thing.   Monday: I finished a book and wrote my review. I started a new story […]

Weeknotes – S04E36 – I May Be A Novelist

Summary: Feeling very happy about the state of my novels this week (at some point soon I may start to consider myself a novelist!), and happy to have cleared the decks of all editing responsibilities before going on holiday.   Monday: Last day of my five-day weekend! I picked a section of Colours that needed […]

Weeknotes – S04E34 – Back In The Groove

Summary: Three good writing sessions on my dedicated writing days, so back into a more regular groove for writing. Very happy with progress this week.   Monday: I completed Day Seventeen of AWC’s Mojo Month and listed my intended goals for the day on the UWR online session page. I did some admin and sorting […]