Summary: Continuing to be very busy on the paid editing front – so I quit my day job!!! Three more weeks of double duty, and then I can relax into the freelancing properly, without having to spend three days a week as a wage slave as well. Hopefully, that will mean I can also get […]
Tag: Weeknotes
Weeknotes – S05E26 – Finding An Equilibrium
Summary: I am apparently finding some kind of equilibrium between personal writing projects, paid editing, and continuing with my day job. Now that I’ve completed current obligations on novels two and three, and also submitted the only short story I was working on, I was planning to focus on my business plan for a couple […]
Weeknotes – S05E25 – Perhaps Going a Bit Too Well
Summary: Don’t get me wrong – I’m incredibly proud of myself for how well I’m doing so far in building my paid editing business, I’m really enjoying the work, I’m getting great feedback, and I’m amazed at how quickly I’ve managed to make it a viable source of income. But – it’s perhaps going a […]
Weeknotes – S05E24 – Lots to do, lots to do!
Summary: I’ve intensified my schedule massively for the rest of June, in the hopes that I can then slacken off considerably in July and August. But the freelance editing work is building, which is great, but also stressful, since it’s getting harder to fit everything in! Monday: I managed to drag another Safeguarding scene […]
S05E23 – Weeknotes – Gaining Momentum
Summary: Things are moving on apace on the paid editing front, which is exciting – and it’s also proving very enjoyable. It took some planning, but I also managed to make a lot of progress on my other projects this week, too. Monday: I completed three new projects from my repeat Upwork client and […]
Weeknotes – S05E22 – Back Out in the World
Summary: A trip out to write in a cafe, and a repeat paying client for editing work! Small steps, but good ones. Monday: I had my accountability session with Claire from CP’s Day Off and figured out that I never want to write the novel because it falls between easy grunt work tasks and […]
Weeknotes – S05E21 – Not Really A Week Off At All
Summary: Considering I was going to take the week off, I’ve done a heck of a lot on writing projects this week! Tuesday: I received an email from someone referred to me by Cressi from Reading Retreats, asking if I could take on a huge proofreading job before 8 June. I responded in the affirmative […]
Weeknotes – S05E20 – Sometimes You Just Need A Break
Summary: Still on track with the novel, but decided by the end of the week that I need a few days off from everything – which coincides nicely with a trip to see my parents for the first time in 15 months! Monday: I got straight back into the novel, completing the next scene […]
Weeknotes – S05E19 – Juggling Badly
Summary: Trying to juggle day-job, my own creative writing and trying to set up a side hustle for paid editing work, as well as enjoying a newly invigorated social life, is hard! Not much actual writing done this week, or in fact much day-job or paid editing. But some progress on the planning front at […]
Weeknotes – S05E17 – All Over The Shop, But Loving It!
Summary: Tons of progress and ideas and achievements on all fronts this week, and mostly working on projects because I actually wanted to, rather than it feeling like a chore. Hurrah! Monday: I was up and at my desk by 8am but I had a ton of email to sort through and lots of […]