Weeknotes – S05E40 – Preparing for a Holiday


Preparing for being on holiday next week – I managed to finish all my current paid editing projects, and also line up several weeks’ worth for when we get back. So no actual work and no pitching required while we’re away!



I had planned to go to the cafe today, but it was raining really hard when I got up, and then I got a message that a courier delivery was due mid-morning (and Dave was going to be out) so I decided against it.

I started my session by providing answers to questions for an upcoming blog interview about A Spectrum of Heroes, then moved on to a sample edit for a prospective new client.

Then it was back to editing the next chapter of the giant romance novel, before launching into the first scene of the first draft of novel number four, The Great Machine! I managed to complete the first scene and was happy with the introduction of the main character and the setup of his normal, everyday life. As usual, once I actually got started, it all flowed pretty well, but it was tough making myself start.

I had to shift around my bigger paid editing projects again, as one of my clients finally confirmed details and wanted me to try and complete the book before going away at the weekend. So I shifted the one I was planning to start today to after the holiday, and got started on the new one instead, which was a book on leadership.



I edited some more of the giant romance novel, then gave feedback on a submission for the new TL;DR anthology call.

I edited some more of the giant romance novel, then went back to the leadership book for a while.



I was awake at 4am, worrying about getting petrol for our trip to the Isle of Wight at the weekend, so I got up and went out to see if I could get some. I went to five different 24-hr petrol stations before I found one that was open, and managed to fill up the car.

I was back in bed by 5:30am, and did manage to get back to sleep, but still felt pretty tired when I got up again at 7:30am.

I sorted out my stuff and went out to the cafe, hoping it would help me focus. I got nearly to the end of editing the giant romance novel, with only one chapter left to go!

I also edited another big section of the leadership book, then called it a day, as I was knackered.



I went back to the cafe today, with a list of specific tasks to complete before going on holiday at the weekend.

I started by editing the penultimate section of the leadership book, then went on to edit the newest section of the skills mastery book, which had been confirmed by the authors the day before.

Then I finished off editing the leadership book and submitted it for review and approval.

After lunch, I finally finished editing the giant romance novel!



The author of the giant romance novel asked me to write the blurb for the back, so I did that for her and sent it across for approval. She then sent me a much better version she had written herself, which I edited for her.

I also wrote a review of an audiobook I finished earlier in the day.



We went on holiday for a whole week! This was my first real break since going freelance and I was very happy with how all the planning worked out, so I didn’t have to worry about working or planning for work while we were away.


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