Getting excited about my new novel, and also working on a lot of interesting paid editing projects.
I reviewed the film we went to see the night before and also approved edits on a short story of mine that’s in an upcoming anthology.
Later, I had some more thoughts about Machine, so I added to my initial notes.
One of my current editing clients asked for a quick Zoom call to discuss the project, so I chatted to him about the story he is writing and agreed a proposed timeframe for completing the edits.
I started my work day with this month’s GYWO discussion post.
Then I got stuck in to the new paid editing project I started on Sunday, and reached the halfway point.
For the ‘genius’ flash fiction competition, I realised I already had a piece that would fit, so I revised it to match the required word count and submitted it.
I picked up a new, short Upwork project, editing a synopsis, and sent it back to the author, offering further assistance with the full manuscript, if required.
I also did some prep for a potential client meeting set up for later in the day.
Later, I had a brainwave about Machine during my meditation class, so wrote some more hasty notes after it finished.
I had an early start and completed a short editing job on Upwork that came up overnight.
I also reviewed books 2-9 in the Jill series, after reading them all in a week.
Then I set out to my now regular cafe for a proper writing and editing session.
I picked up another new client and completed my first editing project for him, which was a collection of modern fairytales for young children.
I reviewed and made comments on a short story for one of the TL;DR writers, completed a longer paid editing project, and also marked the last of the non-fiction entries for the Ink & Insights competition.
Then I did a bit more brainstorming for the Machine outline.
Much later, a short story draft came through from a client and I did a first pass, completing detailed edits on the first four pages and putting in comments throughout on the plot development, before sending it back for his review.
And then I took the whole of the rest of the week off and went on holiday for five days!!
While on holiday, I played an interesting two-player game with my brother, so I wrote a review.