Summary: Not too much done this week, but more than I expected, so good end to the year! Wednesday: I had some random inspiration about a major plot point in Colours so wrote some hasty notes to ensure I didn’t lose the new ideas. Friday: I hadn’t intended to write anything on the […]
Tag: Weeknotes
Weeknotes – S01E17
Summary: I managed to work on writing projects every day of my week off before Christmas, which was satisfying, and made me feel better about taking some time off over the festive period. Big plans for the New Year, though! Monday: An interminable trip to Lowestoft gave me the opportunity to write […]
Weeknotes – S01E16
Summary: Lots of plans to think about for next year – and hopefully some more stuff to achieve this year. Monday: Very slow start to my writing date with Ann today. I still felt scattered and it was hard to get on with stuff. I eventually started with this month’s discussion post for GYWO, […]
Weeknotes – S01E15
Summary: Lots of stuff whirring around in my head at the moment, which makes me feel a bit scatty, but it’s exciting (if a bit daunting) to have two big projects I love on the go. Monday: Last morning at the Devon writing retreat and I completed one more scene of the […]
Weeknotes – S01E14
Summary: Another week where sticking to scheduled writing time has produced excellent results. As ever, it’s not about being in the right frame of mind, it’s about sitting down and just getting the words out onto the page. But why is that so hard, when it’s what I really want to do? Monday: […]
Weeknotes – S01E13
Summary: Lots of time spent on writing projects this week, but not much in the way of actual writing. Planning, brainstorming, editing, and typing up notes are all really important things that need to be done, but it never feels like I’m making much progress when I spend time doing them. Monday: […]
Weeknotes – S01E12
Summary: Not much in the way of writing progress this week – too many fun, social things got in the way! Monday: I helped Bear post his account of our marvellous weekend away at a reading retreat, and then posted my own account as well. Wednesday: I met Hannah for […]
Weeknotes – S01E11
Summary: Reading has been the order of the day this week, though I’ve also done quite a bit of planning for the new novel, which I’ve found really useful. Tuesday: I missed my usual writing date because I had to work on Monday, so I pledged to work on the new novel every evening […]
Weeknotes – S01E10
Summary: So, it turns out that if I have more time, I do get more stuff done on writing projects, as evidenced by the fact that I had this week off work, and have done project stuff on six out of seven days. Monday: Today required some personal dedication on my part. I had […]
Weeknotes – S01E09
Summary: Bits and pieces, here and there throughout the week. It didn’t feel like I was doing a lot, but what I did was useful and progressed several projects. And at least I kept my brain ticking over and working on stuff. Monday: I took myself off to Good & Proper quite […]