Weeknotes – S02E14 – Wading Through Mud



Lots of time spent on writing projects this week, and I’m pleased with my progress overall, but it mostly felt like wading through mud at the time.




I started the week with renewed focus, and a writing date with Ann at The Counter at The Delaunay.


First task was to catch up on my reviews, which had been stacking up, and also provide my next book reviews for The Wordy Birds.


Then I put together a plan for my next insane fanfic combo challenge – new GYWO Yahtzee card, Sentinel Bingo card, and unfilled Fic Promptly prompts – should be fun, though it’s been a while since I’ve attempted Sentinel stories.


I stayed with the fanfic vibe by typing up all my WIP Big Bang notes, putting together a rough outline on paper, and writing the first scene (since technically you have to have at least 500 words written to sign up, and I didn’t at the time). There’s a lot of excitement in my brain around this project at the moment, so I’ll need to be careful that it doesn’t derail me too much from Artisan.


I finished off by writing a blog post about the importance of giving yourself space to think.





I met up with Hannah after work and really struggled to find any focus, so we chatted for a bit about point of view, and then buckled down to some work.


I managed quite a few more words on my WIP Big Bang story, though it felt pretty turgid.


I did some research and made notes for this month’s GYWO discussion post.


I finished off by reading some more of Bird by Bird.





I did a random writing prompt.


Then the WIP Big Bang story started writing itself in my head, so I did another section of that, to make sure I didn’t lose the thread.





I spent most of the day thinking about Ready Player One, composing notes on my reaction to it, and collecting and reading other people’s views on it.





Today was a day of annoying admin. I made a few submissions and added a couple of short pieces to my website.





I got up early and took myself to Mughead in New Cross, which turned out to be a perfectly good place for a solo writing date.


I started out by writing my Ready Player One review, which was pretty hard and took a long time.


Then I finally started the actual copy-editing on Artisan, focusing on the first three chapters. I found my list of editing points and colour-coded them, then went through the first chapter backwards, marking up the hard copy with proposed edits in the relevant colour pen. I ticked off the colours on the front page as I went, to keep track of what I had and hadn’t checked.


I went back to the WIP Big Bang story for a bit, then called it a day.


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