Summary: It feels as though things are moving forwards. Only a few days until Winchester Writers’ Festival, and Artisan is ready to go! Monday: I finished a very interesting book and wrote a review of it. I also went through Writing Magazine and added new submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet, […]
Category: Blog
Weeknotes – S02E22 – All the Editing!
Summary: Edits, edits and more edits… Monday: Ann was free, so we arranged to meet up for a writing session. I mostly focused on transferring my hard copy Artisan edits onto the electronic copy. In between times, I checked the relative chapter lengths and moved some things around to make it more even. I […]
Weeknotes – S02E21 – Beautiful and Inspiring Surroundings
Summary: People and places were all helpful this week in getting me where I needed to go with my writing. Monday: I met up with Ann and new Baby R at The Turk’s Head in Wapping, and settled down for a writing session. I decided to alternate copy-editing chapters of Artisan […]
Weeknotes – S02E20 – Slogging Towards the Finish Line
Summary: Progress made on both projects that have looming deadlines, which is good. But not a lot of time spent on writing this week, and I’m missing having long sessions with multiple projects on the go. Monday: Today, I took myself to Notting Hill and enjoyed a comfy chair and giant […]
Weeknotes – S02E19 – It All Adds Up
Summary: Good use of available time slots for getting on with stuff. I like having the option to just find a cafe and get to work, now that I’ve trained myself to be able to focus in that kind of environment. Monday: A new week, and some new resolve, as deadlines are looming. I […]
What’s Beyond the Void?
There’s a very definite line in my mental calendar at the moment, that runs through 15-16 June. That is when I’m going to Winchester Writers’ Festival and getting feedback on my first novel from agents. In terms of activities that need to be completed before that date, I’m very much on track. The first […]
Weeknotes – S02E18 – Diminishing Returns
Summary: Perhaps as expected, my writing output during the rest of the holiday gradually reduced, but I did still manage to get some things done here and there. Monday: I wrote another short piece for my Yahtzee/Bingo challenge. Wednesday: I wrote a review of Avengers: Infinity War. Saturday: My plans to write […]
Weeknotes – S02E17 – Using the Time Available
Summary: It’s never the case that I have to be in the right frame of mind to get some writing done. It’s all about making use of the available opportunities. Saturday: First full day of the group holiday, and I was up early. So, I took advantage of having the downstairs to […]
Weeknotes – S02E16 – Variety is the Spice of Life!
Summary: Original fiction, non-fiction, fanfiction; novels and shorts; revision and new words – lots of variety in my writing this week. Monday: Today was likely my last writing date with Ann for a while, and we met at Good and Proper. I started out with a couple of quick wins, writing […]
Weeknotes – S01E15 – Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Summary: Bits and pieces, small but regular progress. Not a lot of time and energy spent on writing projects this week, but still some. Monday: I did today’s one-minute challenge at Later, I took advantage of an unexpected free half hour to copy-edit the second chapter of Artisan. Wednesday: I had a writing date […]