Weeknotes – S05E16 – Just Getting On With It

Summary: Reasonably steady progress throughout the week, with particularly good sessions at the start and end. Glad to have finished a first draft of a long-ish short story that’s been in my head for weeks.   Monday: There was a whole lot of faffing about with booking holidays, sorting admin, updating websites, reading online articles […]

Weeknotes – S05E15 – Weird But Exciting Times

Summary: I have no idea what else happened this week (writing-related or non-writing-related) because contact with a publisher on Thursday and over the weekend pushed everything else into the background.   Monday: I got feedback on my TL;DR Flash Fiction Competition entry so I tweaked it a bit and then submitted it. The final version […]

Weeknotes – S05E14 – Go, Crew, Go!

Summary: Awesome week on the writing front, with the subconscious crew going absolutely above and beyond on the novel, a longish short story and a flash fiction piece – all without waking me up before 8:30am! Go, crew!   Monday: I started out with my Hour of Writes marking for this week’s competition. Then, after […]

Weeknotes – S05E12 – Progress on All Fronts

Summary: Lots more progress on the third novel, and even a draft of a new flash fiction piece as well, not to mention another podcast episode completed. Go, me! Monday: The subconscious crew started the week with a ton of new ideas for Safeguarding, filling in small (and huge) holes in the plot, working out […]

Weeknotes – S05E11 – Third Novel Well Underway

Summary: Good progress on the third novel, with some other bits and pieces thrown in – though I really want to dedicate some time to a new short story next week.   Monday: I broke my usual rule this morning and started out with several submissions and a Bear post, rather than Safeguarding. But, in […]

Sticking With It

Fantasy author, Juliet McKenna, wrote a fantastic review of my debut novel, The Defiant Spark, recently, including some very interesting thoughts about reviewing in general. She also invited me to write a guest post on her blog and here’s what I came up with:   I first met Juliet as one of my tutors at […]

Weeknotes – S05E10 – Breaking New Ground

Summary: I finally broke new ground on novel number three, which was exciting! I didn’t get quite as far as I’d hoped across the week, but all progress is good progress, and I’m very much on track for a completed first draft before the end of the year.   Monday: Scheduled focus session with Ann […]

Weeknotes – S05E09 – Bears Must Suffer For Their Art

Summary (this was Feb 22 to Feb 28): Quite a range of writing activities this week, including a rather more hair-raising adventure with Bear than was anticipated.   Monday: The now regular focus session with Ann got me up and organised to write by 9am. I started with the ‘single most important thing’, which was […]