A Spectrum of Heroes

My second novel, A Spectrum of Heroes, is out soon from Markosia Ltd. It’s got superpowers, it’s got aliens, it’s got relationship angst, it’s got badass ladies saving the world! The release date is 6 September but it’s available for pre-order now!

Unexpected new career!

“Are you still doing editing on the side?”   Eight little words on WhatsApp, from a writer friend of mine, was all it took.   We’d been exchanging short stories and novel manuscripts for feedback for years, ever since we both finished the first draft of our first novel on an Arvon course, back in […]

Weeknotes – S05E31 – Finding My Groove

Summary: Still lots of interesting work on the paid editing front, though I am finding it difficult to integrate my own writing into my new schedule, as I had feared. I have ideas about how to approach this, but I think it’s going to take some time to figure out.   Monday: After a broken […]

Weeknotes – S05E30 – No Longer an Employee!

Summary: Transition week – my last day in my day-job was Friday, so now I’m free to pursue my new career in freelance editing, and hopefully get back to writing my own stuff (as well as having some time off)!   Monday: Last week of fitting paid editing jobs around the day job! I had […]

Weeknotes – S05E29 – Still on the Treadmill

Summary: Penultimate week of juggling day-job and paid editing work! It was pretty busy, but good overall, with some more potential long-term clients in the pipeline.   Monday: I got some more work from the magazine client overnight so I did that first thing. Then I went back to the parenting book for a bit, […]

Weeknotes – S05E27 – Busy, Busy, Busy

Summary: Continuing to be very busy on the paid editing front – so I quit my day job!!! Three more weeks of double duty, and then I can relax into the freelancing properly, without having to spend three days a week as a wage slave as well. Hopefully, that will mean I can also get […]

Weeknotes – S05E26 – Finding An Equilibrium

Summary: I am apparently finding some kind of equilibrium between personal writing projects, paid editing, and continuing with my day job. Now that I’ve completed current obligations on novels two and three, and also submitted the only short story I was working on, I was planning to focus on my business plan for a couple […]