My Fringe Guru reviews for The Vaults 2019 can be found here, along with those from the other reviewers who attended shows there too.
Author: Annie
Weeknotes – S03E04 – Slowly Building Towards Greatness
Summary: Another seven-day writing week, with lots of work on little habit-forming activities, but also some progress on bigger projects, and the start of an exciting new reviewing opportunity. Monday: Good intentions for a proper writing day at Good & Proper with Ann. I faffed around on the internet for half […]
New Reviewing Opportunity!
I am now officially a reviewer for Fringe Guru, which reviews as many shows as possible at various fringe theatre festivals throughout the year. My first review is here. And I’m going to be reviewing throughout The Vaults festival at Waterloo over the next couple of months, with a stint at Edinburgh planned for the […]
Weeknotes S03E03 – Lots of Planning
Summary: Glad to be maintaining a daily habit, but I do feel as if I’m doing a lot of planning and a lot of noodling around, but not really actually getting on with anything substantial. Hopefully that will change next week with some proper scheduled writing sessions with other people. Monday: Made […]
Weeknotes – S03E02 – Exciting Things Are Afoot!
Summary: My 2019 goals are underway and looking closer to completion than ever. There’s a lot of work to do, but I’m excited to get started and see where it takes me. Monday: A good and proper writing session at Good & Proper with Ann. I initially got distracted for a while by the […]
Two-Way Communication
My story, Two-Way Communication, is featured in the anthology, GEEK OUT!: QUEER POP LIT, ART & IDEAS, produced by Qommunicate Publishing. You can buy a copy here.
Weeknotes – S03E01 – Start As You Mean To Go On!
Summary: Very happy with the start to my 2019 writing. So far, I’ve worked on it every day (though I don’t intend to keep that up past January) and I’m excited about what I’m going to achieve this year. Tuesday: I edited a piece of flash fiction down from 650 words to just under […]
Writing Goals for 2019!
It’s a brand new year! And, no matter how arbitrary that may be, that means goal-setting. And I have big plans for 2019. So much so, that I’m going to write them down here for all to see (though I reserve the right to discover they are wildly unrealistic later…). First of all, by […]
Weeknotes – S02E51 – 2018 Wrap-Up
Summary: I’m pleased overall with my 2018 writing. I revised my first novel and got a good response from submitting it. I worked on my second novel and have a plan for taking it forwards. I wrote several really good short stories and got a fair few published. I found paid work in the […]
Setting Creative Goals
My first article for Dream Foundry has been posted on the site’s blog. It’s about setting creative goals, and tips for keeping them. You can read it here.