Author: Annie
The Importance of Slacking Off
I worked incredibly hard on my writing last year. Novels, blog, reviews, articles, short stories, competitions, developing and producing a podcast – I did it all. And I’m incredibly proud of what I achieved. I saw my work in print and online. I got great feedback from editors and readers. I got paid. And I […]
Weeknotes – S04E03 – Still Revving
Summary: I’m not sure I’ve found my groove for 2020 yet, unless my groove is slacking off, which would be okay, at least for the moment! Monday: I wrote reviews for the four books I read on reading retreat over the weekend. Thursday: I met Ann in Wapping, feeling not particularly motivated. My […]
Risk Assessment
My sci-fi story, Risk Assessment, which won the Three Cheers And A Tiger competition late 2019, appears in the December 2019 edition of Toasted Cheese. You can read it here.
Weeknotes – S04E02 – Enthused About Novels
Summary: And so work begins in earnest on getting Artisan ready for publication and Colours ready for submission. In good news, I’m really enjoying rereading both of them! Monday: I went through the whole Artisan manuscript, doing ‘find and replace’ on various things the publisher wants me to change. Perhaps dangerous, but I am […]
Weeknotes – S04E01 – It’s 2020!
Summary: A slow start to 2020, but I have big plans to pick the pace up in the near future! Saturday: I wrote a review of a new game I played over New Year. I also helped Bear with his first post of 2020. Sunday: I wrote my first book review of 2020, […]
Weeknotes – S03E52 – End of a Decade
Summary: Not a complete break from writing over Christmas, but certainly much reduced. Monday: I wrote a review of Saturday’s Olympia Horse Show and also the book I finished later in the afternoon. Saturday: I edited a friend’s short story and provided lots of comments. I added some notes to my Colours editing […]
Phenomenal Writing Year!
I’m not normally someone who brags about their accomplishments, but I’m going to make an exception here, because it’s been a phenomenal writing year for me and I want to celebrate that! I’ve worked really hard, persevered in the face of rejection and lack of motivation, and I have a lot to show for it […]
The Short Story
My flash fiction piece, The Short Story, appears in Palm-Sized Press Volume 2. You can buy a copy here.
Weeknotes – S03E51 – Great End to a Great Year!
Summary: I’m really pleased with what I accomplished this week, and also over the course of the whole year. So now I can take a break over Christmas and feel good about my writing. Monday: New week, new attitude. I was determined to make some real progress today, so I set off for a […]