Clearing The Decks!

August has been an interesting month for my writing.   I finished and submitted three short stories, which felt really good and also cleared my writing to-do list of everything except the novel.   Also, after planning to complete the next round of edits on the novel by the end of August, and realising very […]

Weeknotes – S04E34 – Back In The Groove

Summary: Three good writing sessions on my dedicated writing days, so back into a more regular groove for writing. Very happy with progress this week.   Monday: I completed Day Seventeen of AWC’s Mojo Month and listed my intended goals for the day on the UWR online session page. I did some admin and sorting […]

Weeknotes – S04E31 – Remembering What Works

Summary: I feel like I’ve come up with a better structure for my writing week and that I’ve settled back into a better routine again. I should remember the lesson that trying to write every day really doesn’t work for me and actually ends up being very counter-productive.   Monday: My brain had been ticking […]

Weeknotes – S04E30 – Taking the Weekend Off

Summary: A bit hit and miss this week. I was low on motivation and decided to give myself the whole weekend off from the to-do list, but did make some good progress on various things at other times during the week.   Monday: I logged my planned goals on the UWR online session page and […]

Productive Procrastination!

My current main writing goal is to get my second novel in shape to submit to my publisher in September. In May, I finished editing the second draft and sent it to eight lovely people for feedback, which I received back by the end of June. I took a few days off work at the […]

Weeknotes – S04E29 – Intermittent Progress

Sunday:   Intermittent good progress this week, interspersed with a total lack of energy and motivation. I’m hoping to be able to re-establish a better routine next week for making proper in-roads into my novel revision.   Monday: I started out by clearing my email, tidying up my desk and consolidating my lists. Then I […]