Weeknotes – S04E34 – Back In The Groove


Three good writing sessions on my dedicated writing days, so back into a more regular groove for writing. Very happy with progress this week.



I completed Day Seventeen of AWC’s Mojo Month and listed my intended goals for the day on the UWR online session page.

I did some admin and sorting out of various things, then I edited the podcast script template to fit our special format for the next episode.

Then I did some actual research for Colours (practically unheard of!) and discovered how deeply wrong my secondary character background is – hopefully, I should have a contact soon who will be able to help me fix it…

Next was revising my own submission for the TL;DR horror anthology, based on the feedback I received from my first editor – not enough horror in my horror story! I added some extra words and felt it was definitely improved, so I submitted it again as my final version.

After lunch, I knuckled down and finally wrote the first draft of a short story I’ve been planning for ages, for an upcoming anthology submission. I was really pleased with how it came out, but posted it for feedback on the TL;DR Slack anyway, because stories can always be improved!

A very good session today – yay!



After a couple of days off from writing, I started today by catching up with Day Eighteen, Nineteen and Twenty of AWC’s Mojo Month.

Then I made some amendments to my short story from Monday, based on excellent feedback from the TL;DR writers. I created two versions – one with more overt reference to magic in it for the specific anthology call it was written for, and one without the magic for submission elsewhere if it didn’t find a home right away. Once it was done, I submitted it, along with a couple of other stories to other publications.

I recorded and edited an interim podcast episode, then read a story by one of the TL;DR writers and gave some feedback.



I decided to make a list of all the writing stuff I really, definitely wanted to get done today and then spend the morning working through as much as I could.

I did some brainstorming for Colours, I caught up on Day Twenty-One and Twenty-Two of AWC’s Mojo Month, I edited two short stories for friends, and I wrote my GYWO discussion post for the month. So it went pretty well overall!

Later, I wrote two book reviews.



I edited another short story for a friend.


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