Weeknotes – S09E09 – Using Extra Time

Summary: I’m a bit worried that my work ethic has been rather destroyed by not having much paid work recently, but I’ve done a lot of other writing and podcast stuff with the extra time!   Monday: I didn’t get started on anything today until after lunch, but that was fine. Overnight, I heard from […]

Weeknotes – S09E07 – Significant Activity

Summary: It was a pretty heavy paid editing week this week (hurrah!) but also a significant milestone in completing the writing accountability course I’ve been on for the last six months.   Monday: I started the week with a goal-setting workshop for creatives at a co-working space in town. The main purpose for me was […]

Weeknotes – S09E06 – How Is It Week Six Already?

Summary: Both my brain and my schedule have presented obstacles for progressing my creative projects this week, and there hasn’t been all that much paid editing work, either. But that’s okay. But also – how is it half way through February already???   Monday: I spent some time in the morning prepping for the Creative […]

Weeknotes – S09E03 – Solid Week

Summary: This felt like a very solid writing/editing week, with plenty of paid client work completed and also progress on various of my own creative projects.   Monday: I edited another chunk of the client RPG text and also started developmental feedback on a previous client’s queer historical romance novel, which was a lot of […]

Weeknotes – S09E02 – Back to Reality

Summary: It was tough, coming back to the real world after Christmas, New Year and a week’s writing retreat – but I did it! Client work – check! Novel writing – check! Short stories – check! Podcast – check!   Monday: I was still trying to get used to rejoining the world after Christmas, New […]

Weeknotes – S08E53 – Ending and Starting

Summary: Good end/start to the year! I very much enjoyed not yet returning to real life and instead spending most of my time playing games, reading and preparing to delay real life further by going on retreat…   Monday: Is this the last week of 2024 or the first week of 2025? Since, for me, […]