Weeknotes – S07E36 – Allowable Dip

Summary: Not a massively productive week this week, but that’s okay. I still got all the important things done! Plans to revitalise a better work ethic next week…   Monday: I cracked on with editing the prison memoir and also started editing a book from a new client – a horror thriller.   Tuesday: I […]

Weeknotes – S07E34 – Chilling is Allowed

Summary: Some good progress made this week, both in terms of paid work and my own projects – but I also took some time just to chill, which was nice.   Monday: I spent the morning on paid client work – website stuff, prison memoir, paranormal detective novel. In the afternoon, I did some more […]

Weeknotes – S07E33 – Runaway Brain

Summary: I’ve somehow managed another seven-day writing week! And my brain is really running away with the idea for my next novel, even though I’m not supposed to be starting work on it until next year…   Monday: I sat at my desk and did paid client work all morning – additions to a self-help […]

Weeknotes – S07E32 – Taking Time Off

Sunday: A bit of a lazy week on the paid editing front, but that’s okay. More work completed on the next novel than anticipated, but perhaps not as much on other writing projects as expected.   Monday: The subconscious crew came up with some really interesting ideas for the protagonist viewpoint, presentation and relationships for […]

Weeknotes – S07E27 – Super Productivity

Summary: My third seven-day writing/editing week in a row! And I’m still excited about both my paid editing work and my own personal projects! So, that’s nice…   Monday: Back to reality after my amazing writing retreat of last week… And I really did go back to reality, as I spent nearly five hours thoroughly […]