Weeknotes – S03E36 – Still Plugging Away


Still plugging away at the novel, but a bit of a slow-down on the paid editing front.



Despite not feeling very positive about my self-publishing journey with my first novel, The Defiant Spark, I completed some potential marketing activities for it this morning.

I also continued editing the mindset book and my friend, Sam’s cozy mystery novel, as well as a comic strip script for a previous client.

After lunch, I did some short story submissions.

I also wrote the next scene of my current novel, A Wizard Calls My Name, then started reading Project Hail Mary and making notes for the podcast.



I had a slow start today and wasn’t feeling at my most motivated, but I cracked on with editing the mindset book and read some more of Sam’s cozy mystery and made comments.

In the afternoon, I finished watching The Ten Commandments and making notes for the main podcast.



Dave and I recorded the next podcast episode.

I also listened to some more of Project Hail Mary and made more notes for the solo podcast episode on it.



Given I have no paid editing work at the moment and got very little sleep, it would have been very easy just to stay at home today and do nothing. But I posted on the “Book That Needs to Be Written” WhatsApp group that I’d be at the freelance coworking day and three people said they’d come along – so I dragged myself out of the flat (hair wet, no breakfast) and made it to the hotel before 10am.

I read and commented on a chunk more of Sam’s novel, wrote a review of a book I finished earlier in the week, and wrote the next scene of Wizard.

In between, I had some really great conversations about our respective novels and writing journeys with Mel and Emily, which was awesome! So glad I invited people from the writing course to join me today!

I also started editing the latest podcast episode, so it turned out to be a pretty productive day, all told!


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