Weeknotes – S08E37 – Freelance Pivot


I had to do a freelance mindset pivot when lots of paid work suddenly materialised, but yay for getting paid for stuff I enjoy! Still also plodding along with the novel.



My giant RPG editing project got signed off (three months late) over the weekend but I wasn’t expecting to be working on paid editing stuff this week and also felt discombobulated after being away and also had an osteopathy appointment this morning – so, I punted the work stuff to later in the week and allowed myself to ease into the week gently.

I did run a focus session in the afternoon, though – and luckily one person turned up! So, I wrote the next scene of my current novel, A Wizard Calls My Name.

I also wrote a couple of reviews and a blog post for Stanley.



It turned out to be a really good job I didn’t start editing on the RPG project earlier in the week, as the client sent through new versions of the files yesterday afternoon! My immediate manager on the project spent a lot of time amalgamating the feedback on the first file late into the night, so I edited that one this morning and sent it back to him.

I also read a chunk more of Sam’s mystery novel and added to my comments.

Later, I did some editing work for my regular blog client.



I spent the whole day in Shoreditch again and got lots done.

I edited another chunk of the RPG materials and also finished reading and commenting on Sam’s novel.

I wrote the next scene of Wizard, as well as a review of a book I finished recently and my monthly post for GYWO.



I had a call with a potential new editing client, which was very long and involved but quite fun and will hopefully result in some work.


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