Weeknotes – S08E33 – Time is Moving On and So Are My Projects


Plodding along with all my various client work and projects.



I carried on providing developmental feedback on a client’s thriller, and also started copy editing a YA fantasy novel, written by the brother of one of the writers I met on retreat last month.

Later, I freeglanced a new blog article for Dave and wrote my GYWO discussion post for the month.



It was another morning of editing both the thriller and the YA fantasy novel (which is an awesome way to split my working time, if you ask me!).

I also had a call with a potential new client about an interesting developmental project that I hope will turn into something good. Though it’s all very vague and nebulous at the moment – I wanted to stop the call at one point and just say, “This is all awesome – but what do you actually want me to do and when – and how and what am I going to get paid???” So, we’ll see…

After lunch, it was Revision Club, which was exactly what I needed to get back on track with my latest novel, A Wizard Calls My Name. I have a strong outline, I know where I’m going with it, I’m excited to get the story out into the world, the writing has been going really well up till now – and yet I still don’t want to actually sit down and do the work! I used the incredible heat as an excuse not to do any yesterday, which left me technically behind on my schedule (which is entirely arbitrary and actually a blocker to me getting anything done), but I didn’t want to work on it today either.

Anyway, I told Sam and Gabrielle on the call that my one objective was to open the document (talk about the smallest of all possible goals) – so I looked at my outline and was convinced there wasn’t enough in the next section to fill a scene. And then I started writing and got down 2200 words in an hour… Which is pretty much always how it goes once I actually start – so why can’t I be more enthusiastic about it? Ah well, another scene done, at least!

I also freeglanced another blog post for Dave.



I read a chunk more of The Ferryman and made notes for my podcast episode on it.

Dave also said a friend of ours would be keen to work with me on developing some comic strips, so I dug out a couple of old cartoons I made years ago and also put together some ideas for another potential series we could do.



Back to Shoreditch for the freelance coworking day!

I finished developmental editing on the thriller and sent all the notes back to the author for review and approval. I was a bit worried he might be taken aback by the amount of work my feedback suggests he needs to do… But he was very positive in his response – hurrah!

I also edited a bit more of the YA fantasy novel.

After lunch, I committed to opening the Wizard manuscript and adding at least some new words, as a way to trick myself to getting started. Why is it still so hard after all this time?

And, as usual, once I got started, it flowed pretty well and I got a whole scene of more than 2000 words down in just over an hour…


Friday and Saturday:

I read more of The Ferryman and added to my podcast notes.



I wrote a review of the latest family book club pick.

I also spent quite a while setting up my new laptop, which is faster, more powerful and much lighter than my old one!

And I read a chunk more of The Ferryman and added to my notes.


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