Mind Over Matter

One of my main goals for 2024 was to finally join the CIEP and reach Professional level membership, at which point you get listed on the ‘approved editors’ directory, and may or may not get lots of great editing work…   So far, it’s been going pretty well overall.   To move from Entry level […]

Resurrecting Reviews Revisited!

[This is a transcript of a resurrected series of solo podcast episodes I’m starting, as part of the Will You Still Love It Tomorrow podcast I co-host monthly with my husband, Dave – if you prefer, you can listen to it instead.] Hello, and welcome to Will You Still Love It Tomorrow. I’m Annie. In […]

Business Mastermind Groups

Back in October 2023, I attended an online conference for freelance editors, entered a prize draw – and won!   My prize was a free place on a Networking for Editors course, during which one of the things recommended to me was business mastermind groups.   These are small groups (usually 3-5 people, as I […]

Weeknotes – S08E09 – Work Picking Up Again

Summary: My paid work picked up again with some great new projects, and I was very happy with revisions to my short story.   Monday: New client projects across the board – yay! I started editing a book about life skills for teens, which required some tonal adjustment. I also started reading the novel by […]