Weeknotes – S03E50 – Stop and Start

Summary: A bit of a struggle on the productivity front, but I did manage to get some good stuff done, even if I didn’t make progress on the bigger fiction projects.   Tuesday: I finished a book and wrote the review.   Thursday: I wasn’t really feeling it on arrival at my writing date in […]

Weeknotes – S03E49 – It Might Really Happen!

Summary: What a week! Great news about Artisan and a tremendous amount of progress on all sorts of writing projects, plus cementing new writerly friendships online. Exhausting, but very satisfying!   Monday: Off to Stickwick Manor for a four-day retreat with Urban Writers Retreats! But, before that, I got an email from the publisher I […]

Weeknotes – S03E48 – New Writing Community

Summary: Much improved in terms of actual writing done and feeling productive this week, largely due to the support and encouragement of TL;DR Writers!   Monday: After errands in Enfield in the morning, I took myself off to Good and Proper to try and get in a decent stretch of writing before meeting Dave for […]

Weeknotes – S03E47 – Not Sure It Counts

Summary: I’ve recorded this week as seven straight writing days, but I’m not sure any of them really count as that, as I’ve only done blog posts, admin and reviews. But I’m recording it that way anyway and vowing to do better next week!   Monday: I found out I’d won a writing competition I […]

Weeknotes – S03E46 – Where’s the Rest?

Summary: Yikes! My writing week apparently dropped off a cliff after two days…   Monday: I got an acceptance for a drabble I submitted recently for an anthology, so I submitted another one to hopefully increase my contribution to three. I also updated my script for the next main podcast episode.   Tuesday: I went […]

Self-Imposed Exile

This weekend, I was supposed to be at a two-day writing workshop, which I had booked some time ago and was really looking forward to. I’ve been a bit scattered with my writing since completing the first draft of my second novel over the summer, and I thought I would benefit from some structure and […]

Weeknotes – S03E44 – Percolation is Key

Summary: Mostly a break from podcasting this week and progress on the novella. Still just in the planning stages, though, and some further concerted effort required to really get it off the ground. But all progress is good progress and the idea is definitely percolating.   Monday: Amie from the Six Month Novel Programme sent […]

Weeknotes – S03E43 – The Podcast is Live!

Summary: Some good progress on my novella project, but then the rest of the week was eaten by the podcast again. However, now that’s live and on a regular posting schedule, I should have more time (hopefully) to dedicate to other projects.   Monday: I planned my day to maximise my writing output, heading out […]