Weeknotes – S04E36 – I May Be A Novelist


Feeling very happy about the state of my novels this week (at some point soon I may start to consider myself a novelist!), and happy to have cleared the decks of all editing responsibilities before going on holiday.



Last day of my five-day weekend!

I picked a section of Colours that needed editing, and that the subconscious crew had recently provided answers about, and I did the edits! First proper editing work on Colours for a while, so that was good.

Then I wrote my script for the next podcast episode.

Later, I helped Bear with his latest blog post.

Then, I updated my writing journal by reflecting on the past month and planning for the month ahead.



I played some more Thousand Year Old Vampire, adding extra scenes to my dark and twisted tale.



The final edit on Artisan came through from my publisher, so I considered new title suggestions and read through some of the comments, all of which seemed very clear and very reasonable.



I added a few more notes to my script for the next podcast episode.

Then I submitted four stories for potential publication.

After that I turned to editing my last three stories for the TL;DR anthology.

I finished off a productive session by doing some more edits on Colours.



I got my last TL;DR anthology story back from the author and devised my final score.


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