Summary: More planning and brainstorming and revising this week than actual new words, but a couple of stories completed, lots of submissions done. Oh, and I signed the contract with my publisher for my first novel. So, that happened… Monday: I logged my goals on the UWR online retreat page, then finalised both Missing […]
Category: Blog
Weeknotes – S04E22 – Using External Structure
Summary: Really great progress on the short story front this week, starting from an awesome session with structure provided by Urban Writers Retreat. I’m pleased that I then managed to build on that momentum to continue with the stories throughout the rest of the week. Here’s hoping I can do the same next week! […]
Weeknotes – S04E21 – The Scattershot Approach
Summary: A bit scattershot this week, and no real progress on any of my current fiction projects. Hey ho. Maybe next week… Monday: I did some story planning and writing scheduling. I also helped Bear with a post about a submission he made recently to an online magazine. Later, I did some submissions of […]
Weeknotes – S04E20 – Prompts and Reviews
Summary: I rediscovered Seempli this week, which was fun, particularly when I realised I could transform any of the creative challenges into a freewriting prompt. I helped out another writer with comments on the opening of her novel, which felt good. And I kept up with reviews. So, modest accomplishments, but pleasing. Monday: I […]
Weeknotes – S04E19 – Feeling Significant
Summary: Lots of great progress this week, working on writing projects at least a little bit every day. I also completed the second draft of my second novel, which felt significant. You know, I think I might actually be a novelist! Monday: I logged onto Charlie’s online UWR session, stating the intention of […]
The Significance of Seconds
I finished the second draft of my second novel this week, which feels significant, if only in my head. The novel is still way too short (currently at 55,000 words, so needs at least 25,000 more added to it), but I know what I’m going to do to sort that out. I think […]
Weeknotes – S04E18 – Realisations and Relaxation
Summary: More reflective freewriting, leading to a breakthrough on the second novel, and also a decision to take a little bit of time off here and there, rather than pushing myself with a needlessly relentless schedule. Monday: I reviewed a film we watched the night before. I did some planning for completing the next […]
Freewriting for Reflection
One of my friends, a qualified coach and facilitator, has recently started offering a Prompt Prescription service where she provides freewriting prompts to help clients work through an issue they are facing. I decided to try it out, with the issue I’ve been having lately with my writing. I emailed Claire to explain the […]
Weeknotes – S04E17 – Reflection and Revising
Summary: Lots of reflection on my relationship with writing this week, which brought some clarity but also more questions. More work to be done there, I think! In the meantime, though, I made quite a lot of progress this week, despite lack of motivation, and was very pleased with what I achieved. Monday: I […]
Weeknotes – S04E16 – Little and Often
Summary: I went with little and often this week, working on something to do with writing every day, and ended up feeling good about my progress, despite not actually having done all that much in absolute terms. Monday: I helped Bear put together a photo story submission for a new online publication. Tuesday: […]