Reviews Revisited – The Secret History

This is the script from my latest podcast episode – you can find the recording here.   Hello and welcome to Resurrected Reviews Revisited, part of the Will You Still Love It Tomorrow podcast. I’m Annie and, in each Reviews episode, I pick something I’ve reviewed some time since 2005, reread or rewatch it, and […]

Weeknotes – S08E16 – Do Less To Do More

Summary: I’m liking ‘taking a day off’ that turns into getting a ton of useful stuff done that usually slips off the bottom of the to-do list!   Monday: I finished editing the interview book and sent it back to the author for review and approval. I also edited a large chunk more of the […]

Weeknotes – S08E15 – Reading, Reading, Reading

Summary: I’m on a real reading kick at the moment – long may it continue! Some good paid work going on, and also progress on the novel too.   Monday: Two new client projects to start today – but, even more exciting, actually repeat clients! For both (action/adventure novel and interview skills book), I did […]

Mind Over Matter

One of my main goals for 2024 was to finally join the CIEP and reach Professional level membership, at which point you get listed on the ‘approved editors’ directory, and may or may not get lots of great editing work…   So far, it’s been going pretty well overall.   To move from Entry level […]

Being Intentional With Your Time

Do you ever find yourself rushing around, trying to do three things at once and never feeling as if you have time to take a breath? And then, when you do finally stop and take a rest, you fall into patterns of scrolling social media or binge-watching whatever you happen to find first on your […]

Resurrecting Reviews Revisited!

[This is a transcript of a resurrected series of solo podcast episodes I’m starting, as part of the Will You Still Love It Tomorrow podcast I co-host monthly with my husband, Dave – if you prefer, you can listen to it instead.] Hello, and welcome to Will You Still Love It Tomorrow. I’m Annie. In […]

Business Mastermind Groups

Back in October 2023, I attended an online conference for freelance editors, entered a prize draw – and won!   My prize was a free place on a Networking for Editors course, during which one of the things recommended to me was business mastermind groups.   These are small groups (usually 3-5 people, as I […]