Summary: Penultimate week of juggling day-job and paid editing work! It was pretty busy, but good overall, with some more potential long-term clients in the pipeline. Monday: I got some more work from the magazine client overnight so I did that first thing. Then I went back to the parenting book for a bit, […]
Author: Annie
Weeknotes – S05E28 – All Editing, All the Time
Summary: Very full week of paid editing this week. I’m missing working on my own fiction projects, but plans are afoot to get back into that before the end of the month. Plus, new laptop and new writing locations! Monday: I still woke up early, but it was half an hour later than the […]
Weeknotes – S05E27 – Busy, Busy, Busy
Summary: Continuing to be very busy on the paid editing front – so I quit my day job!!! Three more weeks of double duty, and then I can relax into the freelancing properly, without having to spend three days a week as a wage slave as well. Hopefully, that will mean I can also get […]
Weeknotes – S05E26 – Finding An Equilibrium
Summary: I am apparently finding some kind of equilibrium between personal writing projects, paid editing, and continuing with my day job. Now that I’ve completed current obligations on novels two and three, and also submitted the only short story I was working on, I was planning to focus on my business plan for a couple […]
The Prince’s Curse
My short story, The Prince’s Curse, appears in Issue 5 of From The Farther Trees. You can get a copy here.
Weeknotes – S05E25 – Perhaps Going a Bit Too Well
Summary: Don’t get me wrong – I’m incredibly proud of myself for how well I’m doing so far in building my paid editing business, I’m really enjoying the work, I’m getting great feedback, and I’m amazed at how quickly I’ve managed to make it a viable source of income. But – it’s perhaps going a […]
Weeknotes – S05E24 – Lots to do, lots to do!
Summary: I’ve intensified my schedule massively for the rest of June, in the hopes that I can then slacken off considerably in July and August. But the freelance editing work is building, which is great, but also stressful, since it’s getting harder to fit everything in! Monday: I managed to drag another Safeguarding scene […]
S05E23 – Weeknotes – Gaining Momentum
Summary: Things are moving on apace on the paid editing front, which is exciting – and it’s also proving very enjoyable. It took some planning, but I also managed to make a lot of progress on my other projects this week, too. Monday: I completed three new projects from my repeat Upwork client and […]
Writing Yourself Out of a Corner
My article, Writing Yourself Out of a Corner, appears in the July 2021 issue of Writing Magazine. You can buy a copy here.