Weeknotes – S08E30 – Second retreat!

Summary: My second retreat was also great – and I finished outlining my new novel! I also lined up some great new paid editing projects to start on my return to real life, which was great.   Monday: Today was a travelling day – taxi from Tall Trees to Castle Cary, train back to Paddington, […]

Valuing the Small Things

  Do you sometimes find yourself doing the things you do every day or every week and not really paying attention to what you’re achieving. Or are there things someone close to you does on a regular basis that you take for granted? It’s very easy just to carry on with your regular routine and […]

Reviews Revisited – The Bone Season

This is a transcript of my most recent podcast episode – you can listen to it here.   Hello and welcome to Resurrected Reviews Revisited, part of the Will You Still Love It Tomorrow podcast. I’m Annie and, in each Reviews episode, I pick something I’ve reviewed sometime since 2005, reread or rewatch it, and […]

Weeknotes – S08E29 – Off on Retreat!

Summary: A great week of clearing the decks and then experiencing a fantastic writing retreat and meeting lots of lovely new people.   Monday: I was on countdown to going away, so I concentrated on getting as much paid editing work done as possible, alternating between Amie’s client novel, and the copy editing stage of […]

Weeknotes – S08E28 – Starting to Wind Down

Summary: It feels like I’m winding down before going away, even though I don’t leave until the end of the coming week! Still, a fair amount done on various fronts.   Tuesday: I did more copy editing on Carla’s novel and Amie’s client novel. After lunch, I used the Revision Club focus session to edit […]

Weeknotes S08E27 – Permission

Summary: Bit of a switch-around on the paid editing schedule but it all worked out – on the project front, mostly gave myself permission not to be productive, but still got some stuff done.   Monday: I split my morning between editing Carla’s novel and reviewing the first 10k words of a historical romance for […]

Releasing the To-Do List

A couple of weeks ago, I tested positive for Covid for the third time in two years. The first time, in July 2022, I was quite ill and the horrible sense of brain fog lasted a few months, making it difficult to concentrate, which was very unpleasant. The second time, in November 2023, I had […]

Rest Is Productive

  Most of the humans I know thrive on feeling productive.   No matter what kind of paid work they do or don’t do, they also find time for plenty of other projects.   They set themselves challenges for all sorts of things – finding geocaches, knitting a certain amount every month, reading as many […]

Weeknotes – S08E25 – Covid Strikes Again!

Summary: An impromptu week off work due to Covid led to a lovely, restful time, mostly reading and playing games.   Monday: Every plan I had for this week was disrupted this morning by the discovery that I have Covid… So I cancelled all my outings and settled down to get some work done – […]