It All Depends On Who You Ask

Submitting your stories for consideration by unknown editors is a scary business. And most often, it results in rejection. A lot of places respond with a form letter that just says something along the lines of: ‘Thanks for sending but it’s not right for us.’ This can be demoralising, but I totally understand that most […]

Weeknotes – S05E03 – Most Important Thing First

Summary: I’m still keeping on track with revisions on the second novel, but not really getting much of anything else done. But that’s okay.   Monday: I had an accountability and reflection session with Claire from CP’s Day Off, which confirmed that my current strategy for ensuring progress on the most important things is the […]

Weeknotes – S05E02 – Back to Work

Summary: Back to the day job this week after a long festive break. It wasn’t too bad overall – I kept on top of work without getting stressed and I kept to my scheduled writing time, focusing on the one most important thing (Colours) each time, and also getting some other useful stuff done. I’m […]

Weeknotes – S05E01 – A Whole New Year!

Summary: A solid innings for my first official writing week of 2021. I faced some obstacles and didn’t get as much done as I’d planned, but I focused on the most important things and revised my expectations of some of the others. Happy overall!   Monday: I did some more planning of marketing activities for […]

Launching Into 2021

It may only be 28th December 2020, and 2021 may not actually start for another four days. And the official Week One of the 2021 calendar may not be until 4th January… But I’m starting my new writing year today!   I closed off most of my ongoing projects before Christmas and had a few […]