Weeknotes – S02E35 – NAWG-Fest!

Summary: NAWG-Fest was over in a flash but well worth attending. Great workshops, opportunities to catch up with good friends, and generally a good time all round.   Monday: I wrote a brief review of a film.   Tuesday: Despite an annoying cold, I went to meet Hannah after work and finished the Great Artisan […]

Weeknotes – S02E34 – Cafe Writing A-Go-Go!

Summary: Good use of planned time with other people to find extra time to work on writing projects.   Monday: A truncated writing session with Ann today, but I still managed to get my scheduled three Artisan chapters done, plus an extra one.   Saturday: The rest of the week got away from me, so […]

Weeknotes – S02E33 – Losing Commas

Summary:   So many commas deleted, plus more improvements made to the novel. Lots of good sessions this week. It feels like I’m making progress.   Monday:   First full writing day for a while. It took me some time to get settled and focused, then I tackled another Artisan chapter before Ann joined me. […]

The End of Empathy – a response

Diversity and representation in fiction and the media is something I think about a lot. I want to include diverse characters in my writing, and I want to see more diversity and better representation in the things I consume. I also want to see creators from minority groups get more opportunities to get their creations […]

Weeknotes – S02E32 – Exciting Times!

Summary: Lots of exciting stuff going on and deadlines to meet, but also plenty to time to work on projects.   Monday: I went to a fun No Grammar Required session and did lots of interesting freewriting. I also got an email from an independent publisher with lots of very positive feedback on Artisan, asking […]

There’s Something in the Air in Sheepwash!

I haven’t really written much of anything since the Winchester Festival in mid-June. I mean, I’ve been adding days to my habit pledge tracking spreadsheet, because I have been working on writing-related stuff, or making notes for projects, or mostly posting reviews. But I haven’t felt as if I’ve really written anything new, other than one […]

Weeknotes – S02E30 – Slowly Ramping Up

Summary: Still mostly reviews and very little fiction writing, but some good planning progress ready for going on retreat next week.   Monday: I reviewed a book I gave up reading yesterday.   Tuesday: I got the best kind of rejection from a publisher today: “Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider this […]

A Collaborative, Regular, Paying Writing Gig!

The lovely editors at Etre have invited me to be one of the staff writers for their new quarterly print magazine, which is a huge honour and really exciting. I’ll be helping shape the development of the magazine, being mentored by one of the editors to hone my writing, and getting the opportunity to submit […]

Weeknotes – S02E29 – Good Things Are Coming!

Summary: Technically, lots of writing days, according to my tracker, but no actual creative writing in the true sense. However, I’ve got a retreat coming up, and a regular writing gig starting soon, so I’m feeling very good about my writing future.   Monday: I went to No Grammar Required after work and really enjoyed chatting […]