Weeknotes – S05E01 – A Whole New Year!

Summary: A solid innings for my first official writing week of 2021. I faced some obstacles and didn’t get as much done as I’d planned, but I focused on the most important things and revised my expectations of some of the others. Happy overall!   Monday: I did some more planning of marketing activities for […]

Weeknotes – S04E52 – Finishing Early

Summary: Officially, there are 53 weeks in 2020 and 2021 starts on 4 January, but I’m calling it now and starting 2021 early! An excellent last writing week of 2020, setting me up for a great start to 2021. I made progress on several projects, did some good planning activities, and got the release date […]

Weeknotes – S04E51 – Planning!

Summary: Lots of planning this week, ramping up my enthusiasm, goals, schedule and targets for the start of 2021.   Monday: I wrote some more notes on Safeguarding, from ideas that came to me overnight. I did some more of the Novelry course.   Tuesday: I read a book and wrote my review.   Thursday: […]

S04E50 – Weeknotes – Ten Days is Too Many

Summary: Despite forgetting (yet again) that trying to write every day quickly leads to burn out for me, I did manage to get some useful stuff done here and there this week in the end.   Monday: I woke up feeling incredibly demotivated on the writing front, after all the excitement and new ideas of […]

Weeknotes – S04E49 – Brain Sparkage!

Summary: Lots of excellent brain sparkage this week! Talking through ideas and fielding difficult questions prompted the good old subconscious crew to work overtime, so it’s been an exciting week on the writing front!   Monday: This morning, I did another lesson of the Novelry course and wrote some notes for Safeguarding on infusing the […]

Weeknotes – S04E48 – The Joy Is Back!

Summary: The joy is definitely back! But I’m taking it slow, trying not to put too much pressure on my writing, in case it goes away again… Lots of good stuff this week, but in small chunks.   Monday: I woke up full of enthusiasm (despite having finished my major retreat project the day before) […]

Weeknotes – S04E47 – Third Draft Done!

Summary: Some great prep work early in the week, leading into my at-home retreat, which went extremely well. As ever, once I actually got started, it didn’t turn out to be as hard as I expected.   Monday: I consolidated my remaining Colours revision notes, in the hopes that reorganising them would provide a clearer […]

Weeknotes – S04E46 – Ebbs and Flows

Summary: Fluctuating motivation and progress this week, but still progress overall.   Monday: I woke up with Colours writing itself in my head again, which was amazing. So I got up and did some work on it first thing – by choice rather than by scheduling! Later, Dave and I embarked on our first After […]

Weeknotes – S04E045 – Exploring Mindset

Summary: The start of the week was all about forcing myself to stick to the schedule, but the end of the week was all about enthusiasm, all thanks to a new course I started. So, yay for self-reflection, encouragement and community!   Monday: I did some submissions.   Thursday: I scheduled my usual writing time […]