New Approach to Novel Writing

I’ve been writing novels for over ten years now, which is pretty wild to think about!   I’m calling my latest one number seven – though four has only reached novella length and six was non-fiction. Still, that’s quite a few, so you’d think I’d know what I was doing by now…   But no! […]

Releasing the To-Do List

A couple of weeks ago, I tested positive for Covid for the third time in two years. The first time, in July 2022, I was quite ill and the horrible sense of brain fog lasted a few months, making it difficult to concentrate, which was very unpleasant. The second time, in November 2023, I had […]

Balancing Paid and Unpaid Work

At this moment in time, I have lots of paid editing work booked in for the next few months – which is really, really awesome! I’m used to a fortnightly schedule, whereby every other Friday, I’m in a position of all my client projects coming to an end, with nothing booked in for the following […]

Mind Over Matter

One of my main goals for 2024 was to finally join the CIEP and reach Professional level membership, at which point you get listed on the ‘approved editors’ directory, and may or may not get lots of great editing work…   So far, it’s been going pretty well overall.   To move from Entry level […]

Freelance Panic

It’s now been nearly three years since I started my freelance editing business, and I still wake up most mornings marvelling at the fact that I have a job I love, that’s so flexible and that is earning me a lot more money per hour than I ever made in an office job.   However, […]

The Butterfly Effect

So, it turns out that networking is an interesting thing, which seems to generate more and more of itself, the more you do…   Which I guess makes sense – but the level to which it’s working out for me at the moment is quite astonishing!   I was thinking about putting together an email […]

New Work Ethic…?

October and the first half of November were very slow on the work front for me. It’s not something I’ve experienced as a freelancer before – and it makes me realise how very lucky I’ve been with my editing business so far.   It was very easy to begin with to just let everything slide […]

Productivity Through Letting Go

The brain is a weird – and sometimes quite annoying – thing… Lately, I’ve been struggling with motivation in terms of getting on with my personal creative projects. I haven’t done any knitting in months, I haven’t written a new short story since April, I’m only keeping up with podcast prep and Stanley’s online content […]

Seduced By The Shinies

I wrote the first draft of my fifth novel in the first half of 2023 (which I’m very proud of, since it was a slog and I had to keep forcing myself to work on it, but I’m really pleased with the eventual result).   I have useful comments from my wonderful editor, Amie, and […]

Social Media Adventures

As a writer in the modern world, I’ve often been told I need to have a ‘social media presence’.   As someone born in the 1970s, I’ve always felt an aversion to social media in terms of not really understanding it and having no interest in engaging with it.   Then, in June 2023, I […]