Weeknotes – S01E08

Summary: Two official writing days instead of one resulted in masses of stuff accomplished.  Go figure.   Monday: I met Ann for our usual writing date. I started with this month’s discussion post for GYWO, which had the title: “Feast or Famine: the pressure of fan expectations when your work seems to be doing too […]

Weeknotes – S01E07

Summary: On every day but Monday, I intended to go through some of my filled-up writing project notebooks and type up anything I want to keep or work on further.  But I’ve been very low on sleep this week and found it impossible to motivate myself to do this, despite having plenty of time.  I […]

Weeknotes – S01E06

Summary: Tons of stuff going on, both within my brain and without, this week.  It feels like a renaissance of my creativity.  Now I just have to capitalise on it and get some work done!   Monday: I’ve been asking my subconscious crew for some insight into which big writing project I should launch into, […]

Weeknotes – S01E05

Summary: No actual writing this week, as I was mostly away on a group gaming holiday and decided to take a break.  I could have done some over the weekend, when I was free and at home, but I had a three-day headache and not enough sleep, so I gave myself a pass and mostly […]

Weeknotes – S01E04

Summary:   Lots of lessons learned this week – not least that Weeknotes is an excellent way to track progress.  This is because, by the time Monday came around again, and I was compiling my notes to post, I had completely forgotten everything I had done and learned earlier in the week!   Monday:   […]

Weeknotes – S01E03

Summary: I’ve been a bit all over the place this week, finding it difficult to settle to anything, and not feeling as if what I’ve been doing is particularly worthwhile.  Still, recording it all for Weeknotes shows me that I am getting things done, even if it doesn’t feel like it.   Monday: I had […]

Weeknotes – S01E02

Summary:   Weirdly, I think I’m missing having a big project to work on.  I’ve been doing writing-related stuff, but I haven’t felt very focused or motivated this week.  Perhaps I need to pick my next novel and throw myself into it…   Monday:   I spent the morning going through all the stuff I […]

Weeknotes – S01E01

Someone my husband, Dave, knows started a project called Weeknotes, whereby he puts together a summary of what he’s done at work each week and posts it online.  Other people have started to do it too, and I wanted to join in.  I wasn’t overly enthused about compiling Weeknotes for my day job, but I […]