Weeknotes – S06E02 – Proper Start to the Year


Some ups and downs this week, but overall a decent amount of progress on both personal and paid projects. I’m still struggling with feeling as if I have time to fit everything in, though!



New week, new paid projects, new work ethic!

After taking most of last week off, I made a resolution to knuckle down to proper working hours from this week, regardless of how many paid projects were on the docket.

It didn’t go entirely according to plan, as there was a lot of faff at the start of the day, which meant I started later than I had intended.

But I did write the next scene of Machine, and also worked on a new paid project for a previous client, providing developmental feedback on the first chapter of a multi-part sci-fi story.

I finally managed to persuade the children’s fantasy author to send me the next chapter, so I edited that and agreed a schedule to complete the rest by the end of the week.

I read the extract from the Revision Club member whose work we would be discussing the next day, in preparation for the call.



Two short articles came through from regular clients overnight, so I edited those first thing.

I got some revisions back from the children’s fantasy author, so I reviewed and corrected those.

There was a great chat about procrastination and productivity on the Revision Club call, and we also had a work-together session, in which I completed quite a few Legacy revisions.

Then I edited Chapter 15 of the children’s fantasy novel.



After a rough start to the working year, in terms of mental attitude and actual achievement, it was a joy to take part in one of Claire’s freewriting workshops today, especially since the theme was motivation and focus when working at home.

It’s always great to use Claire’s prompts to discover more about what’s going on in my head, and equally lovely to share the experience with others. What mostly came out of the workshop for me was that I should do more workshops! So, I signed up for one on Sunday as well.



I got up and got started at a much more reasonable time today, and got on with the next scene for Machine. Then I completed the revisions on the second draft of Legacy!

I started editing a new book about postpartum depression, which was a project I’d won the day before, and I also edited the penultimate chapter of the children’s fantasy novel.



A bit scattered today, since I had appointments in the morning and also in the afternoon. But I edited an article from a regular client in the middle. I also edited the next section of the postpartum depression book, since the last chapter of the children’s fantasy novel wasn’t going to be ready to edit until next week in the end.



I edited an article for a regular client, and also wrote a couple of reviews.



I attended another one of Claire’s wonderful workshops, which involved a lot of freewriting and discussing it with lovely people.

I also wrote a review of the play we went to see the day before.

Lastly, I sent the current draft of Legacy off to my wonderful beta readers for their feedback!


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