Weeknotes – S05E19 – Juggling Badly


Trying to juggle day-job, my own creative writing and trying to set up a side hustle for paid editing work, as well as enjoying a newly invigorated social life, is hard! Not much actual writing done this week, or in fact much day-job or paid editing. But some progress on the planning front at least.



I wrote a review of the book I finished the night before.

Then I did a ton more prep/research/networking for my paid editing plan.



I did some more networking for the editing plan, as well as brainstorming a new story and making some notes for it.



I scored my first paid editing contract on Upwork! Hurrah!

I also edited my writing/editing CV and added to my portfolio of samples.

Later, I went through this month’s Writing Magazine and added interesting submission opportunities to my rolling spreadsheet.



Settled in at my desk at 9am and started easy with a book review.

Then I launched into my first paid editing job since I started my paid editing plan, which was a 16,000 word non-fiction book. This was not my first choice of project to work on, but I was very happy to have the work and determined to do a good job, in the hopes of getting a good testimonial from the client. I completed it during the afternoon and sent it back four days early.



I updated my Upwork profile, in the hopes of attracting more clients.

Then I did some submissions – this always sounds so simple, but it always takes longer than I think it will and often proves frustrating. Still, it’s the only way to get published!

Later I did the next module of the Marketing for Writers course.



I was planning to take the whole weekend off but a prospective client sent me a sample piece of text to edit, so I thought I’d show willing by getting it back to her the same day. Such are the pitfalls of freelancing, I guess!


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