Reading has been the order of the day this week, though I’ve also done quite a bit of planning for the new novel, which I’ve found really useful.
I missed my usual writing date because I had to work on Monday, so I pledged to work on the new novel every evening this week to make up for it.
Today, I added a section to the third scene, to give the protagonist some dialogue. I then carried on with the Six Month Novel Programme workbooks, which gave me some new plot ideas and deepened my understanding of the main characters.
I added some character detail to the second scene of the new novel, and carried on working through the Six Month Novel materials. I’ve never done this amount of planning for a project at the start before, and it’s definitely helping cement the world in my mind and develop the characters in interesting ways.
More planning for the new novel, exploring different plot points and subplots.
I read some more of Wonderbook and made notes.
I had an epiphany about the main arc of the new novel – at core, it’s not an action adventure but a love story and that’s the arc it should follow.